Yxof started his life as most Vulpera do. A member of a caravan traveling and surviving in the dunes of Vuldun. Shortly after he was born though Faithless Sethrak. His caravan was separated and he grew up as in the slave pits in the Crater of Consequences. Shortly after reaching adulthood the vulpera Nisha led a group into the crater freeing and arming the slaves and gaining their release. While the majority of his fellows fled to rejoin caravans he joined the band led by Nisha in freeing his peers and assisting Varok Saurfang during the 4th war. He was present at Orgrimmar to witness the mak'gora between Saurfang and Sylvanas and watched as the leadership of the horde transfer from a warchief to a council. Seeing Duratar Yxof realized there were more deserts and lands to explore than just Vuldun. He stayed exploring the new areas until he was called back to assist in the supernatural adventures within the Shadowlands and the Maw. As with many of his friends he found forays into Zerith Mortis a waste of time and resources. Again returning to Azeroth he continued his journeys but now as a member of the Blood Moon Den. The guild merged with its alliance counterpart becoming the Blood Moon Pack and Den led by Flowdaed. Yxof quickly rose in the ranks and became close friends with Flow. When the journey to the Dragon Isles called Flow was busy running the administrative and daily duties of the merged guild. He asked Yxof to be one of the field commanders in his place. Yxof spent months exploring and adventuring in the Isles reporting back often. During this time the guild gained strength in numbers. Yxof currently spends his days exploring through dungeons for treasures and joining large raid groups to defend the lands and the dream from the ravages of Fyrakk. He has talked to Flow about perhaps a mage or warrior taking point for him in coming seasons to take a much earned break.
Kontaktinformationen |
Flowdaed#1847 Revid#1771 |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Normal | 6/8 N | 13 |