I am a healer main that enjoys playing priest. I have had 19 years of raiding experience and the know how to do mechanics when they are presented to me. I have officially retired from raiding after doing it for a long time and I am now picking up mythic+. The name Mightymedic came from my days when I used to do lvl 19 PvP back in vanilla, TBC, and Wrath. Thought the name was fitting for someone who plays healing extensively so I kept it after all these years. Was top 5 on classic for healer and was able to be top of the server twice. Became 1 of 21 Scarab Lords on classic WoW. I also became a wielder of Val'anyr for my guild. Came highly recommended by a couple of top guilds on Azuresong and Atiesh for classic and Steamwheedle Cartel back in vanilla Wrath. In Dragonflight, I was able to get top 10 for Holy Priest and top 15 for Disc Priest for Mythic+ in my battlegroup. I consistently hit above 2500 for 3 seasons of Mythic+ as a Priest healer.
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mightymedic |