Things you should know about me: I play Affliction, Destruction and Demonology equally well.
Reality: I actually play Affliction, Destruction and Demonology equally badly.
Why I play warlock: I love the utility Warlocks bring: healthstones, soulstones, summoning stones. I love soulstoning our healers to increase the efficiency of our progression runs.
Reality: Sometimes I soulstone myself instead of those whinging healers. Because, fuck 'em.
Things I love: I'm a "lore whore", i.e., an absolute lore enthusiast and am fascinated by the history of the Seven Kingdoms. For the Alliance!!!
Reality: I'm secretly Horde and have been working to destabilize the Alliance from the inside with a low-grade guerilla operation consisting of Blizzard shilling, mailbox blocking and indecipherable Stormwind spam. I also love Warcraft lore though.
Things I'm working on to improve myself: Trying to use curses more often and more effectively.
Reality: I'm working on improving everything... I really do play Affliction, Destruction and Demonology equally badly. Send help!
Second dose of reality: LOL JK, I'm not working to improve myself. Send key and raid carries!
Kontaktinformationen |
Xara#2087 |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 4/8 H | 10 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 22 |