Recruiting Officer for Heroes of Time
Guild & Server Heroes of Time Frostmane (US)
Raid Times/Days Tues/Thurs 8-10 pm (PST) 11pm – 1am (EST)
Current Progression: 8/8 Normal, 8/8 Heroic, and 4/8 Mythic
Recruitment Contacts: @Toxistica-Ner'zhul [H] Toxistica-Ner’zhul or Toxistica#1786
Warcraft Logs :https://warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/160388
Requirements: Looking for people who like to group with and help others to down content like raid bosses and Mythic+
<Heroes of Time> is recruiting. but so aren't dozens of other guilds. So why join us? We are a guild that tries to help each other.
The type of person who will enjoy their time in this guild are those that enjoy helping others in order to achieve a common goal such as raiding and mythic+ keys as well as RBGs.
While we are far from a hardcore raid guild, we have a solid history streching years of consistent weekly raiding. We managed to get all AotC achievements for example.
We have no problem helping to gear you up with only the expectation that once geared, you pay it forward to other guildies.
If you are the type who plays hard only for gear for yourself there are plenty of guilds out there for you. If however you enjoy working and learning together to better yourself and others then you may find a good home in Heroes of Time.
We try our best to keep it as free from real life drama as we can with some success. We also try to be honest with ourselves and with each other. These qualities, we think make the game more fun for all.
If what I have said sounds interesting to you then please message me further for more info about the guild. Thanks.
We also require a few basic add ons such as Big Wigs, Little Wigs, Details, Discord, and Weak Auras if you want to do group content with the guild.
Kontaktinformationen |
Toxistica#1786 toxisham_11881 |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 5/8 H | 10 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 20 |