My tag name is Clawbiter, I am looking for a new home, since my guild broke during the tier.
Recently, I was the healing officer, raid callout leader, and a host of other duties I to provided for my guild. I have been very successful in support and leading our healers for success. I ran an study hall for my other healers to improve their performance and mechanics, how to read their raid logs for improvement etc…. I also would collect a few players early to the raid and clear trash so that we could proceed right to the progression.
I live in Dallas Texas, with my family. I have daughter who is in college at Texas Tech, a son who plays football for his school and a 3 year old son who loves dinosaurs and cars. (I know, I know!! Lol). I have worked hard to find that balance in my life between WoW and family, and I feel your guild would fit my mission for a new home in the game.
I am looking for a guild fits my schedule and lifestyle, has some players on during the day to run a few keys, and a healthy group of players that like to play with each other.
Wipes do not bother me, I am on time/early to the raids. I keep my morale high the good times and the eventual struggles any raid tier offers.
I have been playing this game a long time (since the game first came out), and have always taken an interest in high end raiding. For many years, I was the main tank for my guild all the way until WOD. After I got married, I decided I needed to step down from the main tank role, due to, I could not raid 4 days a week anymore.
I knew I needed a better family/WoW balance, so I decided to look for a home that raids on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and I decided to switch to a healer, which I love. I have been a found many great guilds that I called home since then.
Cntl Alt Delete - Horde CE, but broke up after Legion. Fresh Coat - Alliance guild CE, but broke up after BFA. Keystone - The Fresh Coat guys reformed on Horde after the alliance guild could not find members to play on our server/faction. Here is where I am currently.
I am currently looking to raid on my Resto Druid, but I always keep my Guardian up to date and tank many keys each week on him. Clawbite#4601 - Discord
Kontaktinformationen |
Nichts zu sehen. |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 5/8 H | 9 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 12 |