

Worgen Frost Todesritter


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Über Fordprefect (Höhe von Trilliandent)

Ford Prefect has a dry, sardonic wit that clashes hilariously with his grim Death Knight persona. He approaches even the darkest of situations with an oddly cheerful resignation, as though he’s seen worse—probably in some forgotten corner of Azeroth. Despite his undead nature, he carries himself with a certain flair, as if the whole concept of being a Frost Death Knight is just a minor inconvenience in his otherwise interesting afterlife.

In his mortal days, Ford was a well-traveled adventurer known for his eccentricity and a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He carried with him a mystical guidebook entitled The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Azeroth. This tome offered dubious advice such as, “The best way to avoid a dragon is to offer it tea and biscuits,” and “Always know where your towel is.”

Ford’s downfall began when he encountered a Scourge outpost during an ill-fated expedition to Northrend. His last mortal thought, before a Frostwyrm crushed him, was, “This definitely wasn’t in the Guide.”

Raised as a Frost Death Knight, Ford spent years under the Lich King’s control, though he secretly found the entire experience a bit too bureaucratic for his liking. “They didn’t even have a break room,” he often complains. When the Lich King fell, Ford seized his freedom and vowed to make the best of his undead afterlife—partly because it seemed less effort than despairing over it.

Ford Prefect’s current quest is centered around the shard of Frostmourne, which he humorously refers to as “the most depressing paperweight in Azeroth.” Though it constantly whispers dark temptations, Ford often replies with quips like, “Sorry, I’m booked. Perhaps try someone who hasn’t already been dead once?”

His travels frequently land him in absurd situations. While infiltrating an undead crypt, Ford stumbled upon a group of skeletons attempting to form a barbershop quartet. Rather than fight them, he gave them pointers on harmony and moved along. Another time, he convinced a Frostwyrm to give him a ride by reciting poetry about the existential loneliness of being undead—“It was awful, but apparently, the wyrm appreciated the effort,” he says.

Ford’s trusty towel—a relic from his mortal life—remains his most prized possession. It’s surprisingly useful, serving as a blanket during cold nights in Icecrown, a makeshift cape for when he’s trying to look heroic, and even an improvised weapon in emergencies. He claims the towel is enchanted, though no one has ever been able to confirm this.

Throughout his adventures, Ford continually updates The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Azeroth, scribbling entries like:

    • “Icecrown Citadel: Bring thermal underwear.”
    • “Never, ever ask a ghoul about its favorite meal.”
    • “If you meet Bolvar Fordragon, avoid jokes about fiery tempers.”


Despite his undead nature, Ford retains a unique charm that wins over even the most unlikely allies. From grumpy dwarven blacksmiths to eccentric gnomish inventors, people can’t help but find his deadpan humor and bizarre optimism oddly endearing.


Notable Quotes:

“Look, just because I’m dead doesn’t mean I’m dead dead.”


“The Lich King had some great interior decorators, I’ll give him that.”


“You’d think after dying once, frostbite wouldn’t be a problem anymore. You’d be wrong.”


“Always know where your runeblade is. And your towel.”


Climactic Decision:

As Ford and his companions approach the hidden Scourge vault beneath Icecrown, the shard of Frostmourne grows more insistent. It promises power, glory, and the answer to the ultimate question of undeath, but Ford shrugs it off. “Yeah, yeah, very dramatic. But unless you can also tell me the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, I’m not interested.”

In the final confrontation, Ford faces not only the Scourge remnants but also the shard’s growing influence. Armed with his runeblades, his wits, and, of course, his trusty towel, he must decide whether to destroy the shard or risk it falling into the wrong hands. Naturally, he quips, “No pressure. Just the fate of the world. Again.”

Nichts zu sehen.


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