Hello internet nerds. I'm a jack of all trades unless it involves my holy spec hahah. enjoy tanking and dpsing dungeons. Having a blast in arenas as ret as well (looking for a ret partner in 2's for double ret). In BFA at the height of my push I was top 80 horde ret US in season 2 during reaping before retiring from pushing keys. In shadowlands my prot spec has been demanded of me more amongst friends. currently pushing 11-12 keys as prot and sometimes ret. Still figuring out which prideful routes I prefer etc. As for raiding all rets on our team are getting benched in mythic until first 3 bosses are on farm. Oh yea I'm nigtht fae cause I like the utility as ret and also I like to be pretty. but I might roll a second pally as kyrian for divine toll.
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Befreiung von Undermine [AOTC] | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 5/8 H | Bitte scanne diesen Charakter erneut, um diese Daten zu füllen. |
Normal | 8/8 N | Bitte scanne diesen Charakter erneut, um diese Daten zu füllen. |