Holyfuse was found as a small child after the Gnomeregan Purge. He had floated down river with only the memory of his mother. A strong woman with firce blonde hair who had gotten sick and turned green breathing shodowfire. He remembered her yelling for him to leave before she couldnt control herself any longer and then he had awoken in a cathedral in goldshire.
Life was simple and good for most of his childhood. He dived into healing and shadow magic. Feeling like if he could have known this magic he could have saved his mother. Becuase of his small stature the monks had belived he was a Gnome, he even thought he was a gnome. But something didnt feel right, he always felt a pull to the north. His dexterity was amazing and he could climb and felt the most at piece when he was high in the mountains.
He signed up with the alliance, and followed King Wrynn to fight against the Lich King. In northrend he found a gift for healing the sick and he spent as much time as he could trying to help the children in the various orphanages across azeroth.
It wasnt until he joined the crusade to the dragon Isles that he realized his gnome appearance was just a visage!
Kontaktinformationen |
Nichts zu sehen. |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 3/8 H | 3 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 8 |