

Dunkeleisen-Zwerg Vergeltung Paladin


Beste Mythik+ Punktzahl
TWW Staffel 2
3/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
2/8 M
Nerub-ar Palast
Erreichte Heldenhaft vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Raid-Stufe.
( 20th Raid-Woche verdient)
Zuletzt gescannte 1 Tag vor
1 Tag vor abgemeldet
Über Megatronx

Optimus Prime: Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them... with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube... was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it, and rebuild our home. Searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called... Earth.


Optimus Prime: But we were already too late.

Act One:

Qatar � The Middle East. Present Day

Figueroa: Oh, God, five months of this. I can't wait to get a little taste of home. A plate of mama's alligators �touff�e... Mmm.

Epps: You've been talking about barbecued 'gators and crickets for the last two weeks. I'm never going to your mama's house, Fig. I promise.

Figueroa: But Bobby, Bobby-

Epps: I'm never going to your mama's house.

Figueroa: Bobby, 'gators are known to have the most succulent meat.

Epps: I understand.

Figueroa: [speaks in Spanish]

Epps: [mimics Figueroa's Spanish words] English, please. English.

Lennox: I don't- I mean, how many times have we- we don't speak Spanish. I told you that.

Figueroa: Why you got to ruin it for me, man? That's my heritage. [Speaks in Spanish]

Lennox: Fine. Go with the Spanish. Whatever.

Donnelly: Hey, you guys remember weekends? Huh? The Sox at Fenway. Cold hotdog and a flat beer.

Epps: Perfect day.

Figueroa: What about you, Captain? You got a perfect day?

Lennox: Nah, I just can't wait to hold my baby girl for the first time.

Soldiers: Awww...

Donnelly: He's adorable.

Epps: That's too-

Lennox: Shut up.

Base Soldiers: [various chatter]

Epps: Hey, I'm ready to do this. Hey, any of y'all grow some balls, come see me on the court, man.

Soldier: Hey, hey!

Epps: Watch this crossover, baby. Like Jordan in his prime, pushing through the front line.

Figueroa: Step aside, ladies.

Soldier: Oh, man.

Soldier: What? Oh-

Mahfouz: Lennox!

Lennox: Hey, how you doing?

Mahfouz: Water?

Lennox: Oh, thank you. Are you gonna help me with the gear?

Radar officer: Colonel Sharp, we have an inbound unidentified infiltrator, 10 miles out.

Sharp: Unidentified aircraft, you are in restricted US military airspace. Squawk ident and proceed east out of the area. Raptors one and two, snap to heading two-five-zero to intercept. Bogie is in the weeds ten miles out, not squawking. Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase. If you do not comply, we will use deadly force.

F22 Pilot: Copy the bogie. Tail forty-five hundred X-ray.

Officer: Sir, says here 4500 X was shot down three months ago. Afghanistan.

Sharp: That's got to be a mistake. Check again, then recheck.

Officer: I did, sir. A friend of mine was on that chopper.

Officer: Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase.

Sharp: Radar, where's the inbound?

Officer: Bogie's five miles out, sir.

Lennox: My wife on?

Soldier:: Yes, Captain.

Lennox: Ahahaha! My ladies!

Sarah: Look.

Lennox's Daughter: [baby noises]

Lennox: Oh, my goodness. Look at her. She's getting so big. Look at those cheeks. I just wanna chew on them. Baby, we made a good-looking kid. I know that people say that all the time, but... Wow, we made one good-looking kid. Nice work.

Sarah: She has your laugh.

Lennox: She laughed?

Lennox's Daughter: [baby noises]

Sarah: Her first one, yeah.

Lennox: You la- you sure she didn't just fart?

Sarah: No, she's a lady.

Lennox's Daughter: [starts crying]

Sarah: She doesn't know you yet, but she will.

Sharp: Forty-five hundred X. Something's not right.

Soldiers: [various chatter]

Officer: Bogie's on the *$%@.

Radar: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Radar's jammed. It's coming from the chopper.

Sarah: Will?

Lennox: Sarah? Hey, Sarah, if you can hear me, I love you and I'll be home soon. Damn. [Sighs]

Soldier: To the right. Go to the right.

Soldier: Check fire. [indistinct chatter]

Sharp: MH-53 pilot, power down now. Have your crew step out or we will kill you.

Soldier: Hold your fire! Stand by to engage!

Sharp: My god.

Lennox: [grunting]

Epps: They bombed the antenna farm! We're under attack!

Blackout: [electronic rumbling and screeching]

Sharp: Go! Move! Move!

Sharp: It's going after the files! Cut the hard lines!

Officer: I need a key! It's locked!

Sharp: Move! Move! Uh!

Lennox: Here, come here! Come here!

Mahfouz: [squealing]

Blackout [speaks in Cybertronian]

Soldiers: [shouting]

Lennox: Here, hide in here!

Figueroa: Oh, my God. Okay.

Epps: No!

Blackout: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Epps: Oh! Oh-

Blackout: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Epps: What the f-

Blackout: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Lennox: Epps, let's go!

Blackout: [electronic rumbling]

Scorponok: [screeching]

Soldiers: [dying screams]

Act Two:

Students: [chattering]

Mr Hosney: Okay, mister Witwicky, you're up.

Sam: Sorry, I got a lot of stuff.

Trent: Watch this.

Sam: Oh-kay. For my family genea- ah-

Students: [laughing]

Mr Hosney: Who did- who did that? People! Responsibility.

Sam: Okay. Um.

Students: [chortling]

Sam: So, for my family genealogy report, I decided to do it on my great-great-grandfather, who was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explorer. In fact, he was one of the first... to explore... the Arctic Circle, which is a big deal. In 1897, he took forty one brave sailors straight into the Arctic Shelf.

Archibald: Move faster, men! Move! Chop! Heave!

Sailor: The ice is freezing faster than it's melting!

Archibald: Chop faster!

Sailor: Got to chop faster or we'll be stuck!

Archibald: Heave, men! Heave! No sacrifice, no victory! We'll get to the Arctic Circle, lads!

Sam: So that's the story, right? And here we have some of the basic instruments and tools used by nineteenth century seamen.

Students: [laughing]

Sam: This here is the quadrant, which you can get for eighty bucks. It's all for sale, by the way. Like the, uh, the sextant here.

Students: [laughing]

Sam: Fifty dollars for this, which is a bargain. These are pretty cool. These are my grandfather's glasses. I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet, but they've seen many cool things.

Mr Hosney: Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr. Witwicky, this isn't show and sell. It's the eleventh grade. I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud of what you're doing.

Sam: I know. I'm sorry. I just, you know, this is all going towards my car fund. You can tell your folks. It's on eBay. I take PayPal. Cold hard cash works, too.

Students: [laughing]

Sam: And the compass makes a- a great gift for Columbus Day.

Mr Hosney: Sam!

Sam: Sorry. Um, unfortunately, my great-great-grandfather, the genius that he was, wound up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward, drawing these strange symbols and babbling on about some, uh, giant ice man that he thought he'd discovered.

Mr Hosney: Okay. Might be a pop quiz tomorrow. Might not. Sleep in fear tonight.

Sam: Here, you want? Here, fifty. Forty? Thirty?

Mr Hosney: Sam?

Sam: Yeah. Sorry, sorry. Okay. Pretty good, right?

Mr Hosney: Uh... I'd say a solid B-minus.

Sam: A B-minus?

Mr Hosney: You were hawking your great-grandfather's crap in my classroom.

Sam: No, kids enjoy- Look, can you do me a favor?

Mr Hosney: What?

Sam: Can you look out the window for a second? You see my father? He's the guy in the green car.

Mr Hosney: Nh. Yeah.

Sam: Okay, I wanna tell you about a dream. A boy's dream. And a man's promise to that boy. He looked at me in the eye. He said, "Son, I'm gonna buy you a car. But I want you to bring me two thousand dollars, and three As." Okay? I got the two thousand dollars and I got two As. Okay? Here's the dream. Your B-minus. Poof. Dream gone. Kaput. Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?

Sam: Yes! Yes, yes.

Ron: So?

Sam: A-minus. It's an A, though.

Ron: Wait, wait, wait. I can't see. It's an A.

Sam: So I'm good?

Ron: You're good.

Ron: I got a little surprise for you, son.

Sam: What kind of s-

Ron: Yeah, a little surprise.

Sam: No. No, no, no, no! Dad! Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Ron: Yeah. I am. You're not getting a Porsche. [laughs]

Sam: You think that's funny?

Ron: Yeah, I think it's funny.

Sam: What's wrong with you?

Ron: You think I'd really get you a Porsche? For your first car?

Sam: I don't want to talk to you for the rest of this whole thing.

Ron: Oh, come on. It's just a practical joke. [laughs]

Sam: It's not a funny joke.

Bolivia: Manny!

Manny: What?

Bolivia: Get your cousin out of that damn clown suit. He's having a heat stroke again. Scaring white folks.

Clown: I'm hot. Makeup's melting. It hurts my eyes. [says something obscured by Sam's voice]

Sam: Here? No, no, no, what is this? You said- you said half a car, not half a piece of crap, dad.

Ron: When I was your age, I'd have been happy with four wheels and an engine.

Sam: Okay, let me explain something to you. Okay? You ever see 40-Year-Old Virgin?

Random guy: I'm outta here!

Ron: Yeah.

Sam: Okay, that's what this is. And this is 50-year-old virgin.

Ron: Ah, okay.

Sam: You want me to live that life? Hmm?

Ron: No sacrifice-

Sam: Yeah, no victory.

Ron: No victory.

Sam: You know, I got it. The old Witwicky motto, dad.

Ron: Right.

Bolivia: Gentlemen. Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs. [laughs] How can I help you?

Ron: Well, my son here... looking to buy his first car.

Bolivia: You come to see me?

Sam: I had to.

Bolivia: That practically makes us family. Uncle Bobby B, baby. Uncle Bobby B.

Sam: Sam.

Bolivia: Sam, let me talk to you. Sam, your first enchilada of freedom awaits underneath one of those hoods. Let me tell you something, son. A driver don't pick the car. The car'll pick the driver.

Sam: Mm.

Bolivia: It's a mystical bond between man and machine. Son, I'm a lot of things, but a liar's not one of them.

Sam: Mm.

Bolivia: Especially not in front of my mammy. That's my mammy. Hey, Mammy! Ooh, don't be like that. If I had a rock, I'd bust your head, &@@&%. I tell you, man, she deaf, you know? [laughs] Well, over here, every piece of car a man might want or need.

Sam: This ain't bad. This one's got racing stripes.

Bolivia: Yeah. It got racing- Yeah, what's this? What the heck is this? I don't know nothing about this car. Manny!

Manny: What?

Bolivia: What is this? This car! Check it out!

Manny: I don't know, boss! I've never seen it! That's loco!

Bolivia: Don't go Ricky Ricardo on me, Manny! Find out!

Sam: Feels good.

Manny: [speaks in Foreign tongue]

Ron: How much?

Bolivia: Well, considering the semi-classic nature of the vehicle, with the slick wheels and the custom paint job...

Sam: Yeah, but the paint's faded.

Bolivia: Y-yeah, but it's custom.

Sam: It's custom faded?

Bolivia: Well, this is your first car. I wouldn't expect you to understand. Five grand.

Ron: No, I'm not paying over four. Sorry.

Bolivia: Kid, come on, get out. Get out the car.

Sam: No, no, no. You said cars pick their drivers.

Bolivia: Well, sometimes they pick a driver with a cheap-&&$ father. Out the car. [coughs] Now, this one here for four Gs is a beaut.

Ron: There's a Fiesta with racing stripes over there.

Sam: No, I don't want a Fiesta with racing stripes.

Bolivia: This is a classic engine right here. I sold a car the other day-

Ron: Geez. Holy cow.

Bolivia: No, no, no. No worries.

Ron: You all right?

Bolivia: I'll get a sledgehammer and knock this right out. Hey, hey, Manny! Get your clown cousin and get some hammers and come bang this stuff out, baby! [laughs]

Bumblebee: Greater than man...

Bolivia: That one's my favorite, drove all the way from Alabamy.

Bumblebee: Go...

Bolivia: Woah!

Ron: Whoa!

Bolivia: [gasping] Four thousand!

Act Three:

Washington, D.C.

Assembled people: [chatters]

Keller: Steve.

Steve: Hello, Mr. Secretary.

Keller: They're so young.

Officer: They're the top subject matter experts, sir. NSA's recruiting right out of high school these days.

Bearded analyst: Guys... that's the Secretary of Defense.

Male analyst: I am so underdressed.

Steve: Ladies and gentlemen, the Secretary of Defense.

Keller: Please be seated. I'm John Keller. Obviously, you're wondering why you're here, so, these are the facts. At 1900 local time yesterday, the SOCCENT Forward Operations Base in Qatar was attacked. So far as we know, there were no survivors. The objective of the attack was to hack our military network. We're not sure exactly what they're after, but we do know that they were cut off during the assault, which would lead us to assume that they're going to try it again. Now, no one's taken responsibility for the attack. And the only real lead we have, so far, is this sound.

Recording: [electronic sound]

Keller: That's the signal that hacked our network. NSA's working at full capacity to analyze it and intercept further communications but we need your help to find out who did this. Now, you've all shown considerable ability in the area of signals analysis. We're on a hair-trigger here, people. The President has dispatched battle groups to the Persian Gulf and Yellow Sea. This is as real as it's ever gonna get. Now I'm gonna leave you to your officer-in-charge. You'll break up into teams and you'll start your work. Good luck. To us all.

Act Four:

Sam: All right, Mojo. I got the car. Now I need the girl. I need money to take out the girl is what I need. Zero bids. [exhales] Great. Broke.

Sam: Come on, Mojo. You want your pain pills? Uh... No. Premature. Good. What's up? Nothing. You know, just driving my car. Driving my car. [uses that breath spray thing] It's like clockwork. All right, I know you get wasted on these things, but if you %@$% in my bed again, you're sleeping outside. Okay? That's it for today. No more. Crackhead.

Judy: Ron, this one is uneven.

Ron: Yeah. Probably.

Judy: This one is wobbly.

Ron: Yeah. I'll take care of that real soon.

Judy: Couldn't we have hired a professional?

Ron: [laughs sarcastically] Ah, Sam...

Sam: What?

Ron: ...I do not like footprints on my grass.

Sam: What foot- there's no footprints.

Ron: That's why I built my path. So why don't you go from my grass onto my path, okay?

Sam: It's family grass, Dad.

Ron: Well, when you own your own grass, you'll understand.

Sam: This, this, I can't do it anymore.

Judy: What?

Sam: You're putting girl jewelry on a boy dog. He's got enough self-esteem issues as a Chihuahua, Mom.

Judy: That's his bling... I want you home at eleven o'clock!

Sam: Yeah, all right.

Ron: Eleven o'clock!

Judy: Please, for the love of God, drive safely. [gasps]

Ron: Seat belt on!

Judy: Wow. You are so cheap.

Ron: Well, it's his first car. It's supposed to be like that.

Act Five:

Keller: At this time, we can't confirm whether there were any survivors.

Sarah: Oh, my God.

Keller: Our bases worldwide are, as of now, at DEFCON Delta, our highest readiness level.

Sarah: Oh...

Keller: We're dealing with a very effective weapons system that we have not come across before. But our prayers are with the families of the brave men and women-

Sarah: Honey-

Lennox's Daughter: [crying]

Sarah: Daddy's gonna be okay.

Epps: I've never seen a weapons system like. this. The thermal shows this weird aura around the exoskeleton like it's cloaked by some kind of invisible force field.

Donnelly: That's impossible. There's no such thing as invisible force fields except in, like, comic book stuff, right?

Figueroa: Man, I don't know.

Lennox: What is that?

Figueroa: My mama, she had the gift, you know? She saw things. I got the gene, too, you know. And that thing that attacked us? I got a feeling it ain't over.

Donnelly?: How about you use those magic voodoo powers and get us the hell out of here, huh?

Epps: When I took that picture, I think it saw me. It looked right at me.

Lennox: All right, we got to get this thing back to the Pentagon right away. They got to know what we're dealing with here.

Scorponok: [electronic hiss]

Epps: My radio's fried. I got no communication with aerial.

Lennox: Hey, Mahfouz. You know, how far do you live from here?

Mahfouz: Not far. Just up that mountain.

Lennox: Do they have a phone?

Mahfouz: Yes.

Lennox: All right, let's hit it.

Act Six:

Miles: Dude, are you sure we're invited to this party?

Sam: Of course, Miles. It's a lake. Public property.

People: [random chatting]

Sam: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, dude, Mikaela's here. Just don't do anything weird, all right? I'm good, right?

Miles: Yeah, you're good.

Sam: Okay.

Trent: Hey, guys, check it out. Oh, hi. Hey, bro. That car. It's nice. Hey. So, what are you guys doing here?

Sam: We're here to climb this tree.

Trent: I see that. It looks- It looks fun.

Miles: [grunt]

Sam: Yeah.

Trent: You know, I thought I recognized you. You tried out for the football team last year, right?

Football team in flashback: [grunts]

Sam in flashback: [groans]

Coach in flashback: Let's go call your mom.

Sam: Oh, no, no, no, that- No. That wasn't like a... real tryout. I was researching a book I was writing.

Trent: Oh, yeah?

Sam: Yeah.

Trent: Yeah? What's it about? Sucking at sports?

Sam: Haha. No, it's about the link between brain damage and football. No, it's a- it's a good book. Your- Your friends'll love it. You know, it's got mazes in it and, you know, little coloring areas, sections, pop-up pictures. It's a lot of fun.

Trent: That's funny.

Mikaela: Okay, okay. You know what? Stop.

Trent: Hey, guys, I know of a party. Let's go, let's head.

Sam: You got to get out of the tree right now. Get- just get out of the tree right now, please. What are you doing?

Miles: Did you see that dismount? All the chicks were watching.

Sam: You're making me look like an idiot. We both looked like idiots just now.

Mikaela: Hey, how about you let me drive?

Trent: Oh, no. No, no, no. This is not a toy. These twenty-twos, I don't want you grinding them. No. Why doesn't my little bunny just hop in the back seat?

Mikaela: Oh. Oh God, I can't even tell you how much I'm not your little bunny.

Trent: Oh-kay. You'll call me.

Bumblebee: Who's gonna drive you home-

Miles: Hey, man, what's wrong with your radio?

Bumblebee: -tonight?

Sam: I'm gonna drive her home tonight.

Miles: What? She's an evil jock concubine, man. Let her hitchhike.

Bumblebee: [continues playing song in the background]

Sam: She lives ten miles from here, okay? It's my only chance. You got to be understanding here, all right?

Miles: All right. We'll put her in the back. I'll be quiet.

Sam: Did you say, "Put her in the back"?

Miles: I called shotgun.

Sam: Miles, I'm not putting her in the back. You got to get out of my car.

Miles: That's a party foul.

Sam: What rules?

Miles: Our- bros before hos!

Sam: Miles, I'm begging you to get out of my car. Okay?

Miles: You- you can't do this to me.

Sam: You got to get out of my car right now.

Bumblebee: Who's gonna come around-

Sam: Mikaela! It's Sam.

Bumblebee: -when you break?

Sam: Witwicky? I hope I didn't get you stranded or anything. You sure? So, listen, I was wondering if I could ride you home. I mean- give you a ride home in my car, to your house. There you go. [coughs]

Sam: So... uh...

Mikaela: I can't believe that I'm here right now.

Sam: You can $&$* down if you want. I mean, it won't hurt my feelings.

Mikaela: Oh, no, no, no. I didn't mean- I didn't mean here with you. I just meant here, like, in this situation.

Sam: Oh.

Mikaela: This same situation that I'm always in. 'Cause, I don't know, I guess I just have a weakness for hot guys, for, for tight abs and really big arms.

Sam: Big arms?

Sam: Well, uh, there's a couple new additions in the car. Like, I just put in that light there. And that disco ball. And so the light reflects off the disco ball.

Mikaela: Oh.

Sam: Yeah.

Mikaela: Are you... are you new to school? This year? This your first year?

Sam: Oh, no. No. We've been in the same school since first grade.

Mikaela: Really?

Sam: Yeah.

Mikaela: No.

Sam: Yeah, a long time.

Mikaela: Well, do- do we have any classes together?

Sam: Oh. Yeah, yeah.

Mikaela: Really? Which?

Sam: History. Language arts. Math. Science.

Mikaela: Sam.

Sam: Sam. Yeah.

Mikaela: Sam Wilkicky.

Sam: Wit-wicky.

Mikaela: God, you know what? I'm so sorry. I just-

Sam: No, it's cool.

Mikaela: I just didn't recognize you.

Sam: Yeah, well, I mean, that's understandable. Ah, no, no, no. No. Come on.

Bumblebee: [starts playing music]

Sam: Sorry, I'm just working out the kinks. You know, it's a new car.

Bumblebee: When I get that feeling, I want sexual healing-

Sam: Oh. This radio is, like, you know- It's an old radio, too, so-

Bumblebee: Sexual healing. @&$-u-al.

Sam: Look, this isn't something that I, you know- I can't get this radio to stop. Look, I wouldn't try this on you. You know. 'Cause this is like a romantic, romantic thing that I'm not trying to do.

Mikaela: Uh-huh.

Sam: Not that you're not worthy of trying something like this on.

Bumblebee: [plays I feel good]

Mikaela: No, of course not.

Sam: I'm a friend of yours. I'm not a romantic friend. Romantic friends do this. I mean, I'm not that- that friend. I mean, we- I could be. If-

Bumblebee: Wooooah! Ah feel good!

Mikaela: Just pop the hood.

Sam: Stupid. Shut up, shut up, shut up.

Bumblebee: [electronic squeal]

Sam: Shut up, shut up.

Mikaela: Whoa, nice headers. You've got a high-rise double-pump carburetor. That's pretty impressive, Sam.

Sam: Double-pump?

Mikaela: It squirts the fuel in so you can go faster.

Sam: Oh. I like to go faster.

Mikaela: And it looks like your, ah, your distributor cap's a little... loose.

Sam: Yeah? How did you know that?

Mikaela: Uh, my dad. He was a real grease monkey. He taught me all about this. I could take it all apart, clean it, put it back together.

Sam: That's weird. I just wouldn't peg you for mechanical. Oh my God.

Mikaela: Well, you know, I don't really broadcast it. Guys don't like it when you know more about cars than they do. Especially not Trent.

Sam: Unh.

Mikaela: He hates it.

Sam: Yeah, no, I'm cool with, uh, you know, females working on my engine. I prefer it, actually.

Mikaela: Okay. You want to fire it up for me?

Sam: Oh, yeah, yeah, no problem.

Mikaela: Thanks.

Sam: You know, I was thinking. You know, if Trent's such a jerk, why do you hang out with him?

Mikaela: [exhales] You know what? I'm just, uh, I'm gonna walk. Ah... Good luck with your car.

Sam: All right. Walking's healthy, right? Oh, God, no no no no no no no no no no. Come on, please. Please, you gotta work for me now. Don't let her walk away. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Please, please.

Bumblebee: Baby come back!

Sam: Whoo.

Bumblebee: Any kind of fool could see!

Sam: Hey!

Bumblebee: There was something- in everything about you... Baby come back! Yeeaah! You can blame it all on me!

Sam: Hey! Wait a second!

Bumblebee: I was wrong, and I just can't live without you!

Sam: There it is.

Mikaela: I had fun. Um. So, you know, thanks for listening.

Bumblebee: [plays What I've Done]

Sam: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Mikaela: You- you think I'm shallow?

Sam: I think you're... No. No, no, no. I think there's a lot more than meets the eye with you.

Mikaela: Okay. [chuckles]

Sam: Yeah.

Mikaela: All right, I'll see you at school.

Sam: All right.

Sam: That's stupid... that was a stupid line. There's more than meets the eye with you. Stupid. Oh God. [chuckles] Oh my God. I love my car.

Act Seven:

Pentagon � National Military Command Center

Analysts: [chattering]

Bearded analyst: Hey, guys, I think the other team figured it out. Iran.

Male analyst: Come on, man. This is way too smart for Iranian scientists, eh? Think about it.

Spectacled analyst: What do you think, kid? Chinese?

Maggie: No way. This is nothing like what the Chinese are using.

Air Force One

Officer: This is Air Force One. Level of flight, level three-three-zero.

Keller: We will hunt down this enemy. And when we do, we'll know just what to do with them.

Officer: [indistinct chatter]

Passenger: Thank you.

Steward: You're welcome.

Frenzy: [electronic clicks]

Announcer: Apparently, there are very few survivors...

Tracy: Yes, Mr. President?

President of USA: Yeah, can you wrangle me up some Ding Dongs, darling?

Frenzy: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Female Attendants: [laughing]

Frenzy: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Tracy: I joined the Air Force to bring the man Ding Dongs. I'll be in storage.

Tracy: Oh. Shoot.

Frenzy: [electronic whisper]

Tracy: Oh, gross.

Frenzy: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Woman: [laughs]

Frenzy: What? [Cybertronian chatter]

Maggie: Do you hear that? Are you getting this? I think they're hacking the network again.

Male analyst: Uh-oh.

Frenzy: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Maggie: Oh, my God. This is a direct match to the signal in Qatar. Are you running a diagnostic?

Male analyst: Should I be?

Maggie: Yes, you should.

Male analyst: So I am.

Frenzy: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Maggie: Someone! They're hacking into Air Force One! We need a senior analyst. I think they're planting a virus.

Spectacled officer: A virus?

Maggie: It's streaming right now. They are planting a virus and stealing a whole lot of data from your system at the same time.

Pentagon officer: Code Red. We have a breach. Air Force One, someone onboard has breached the military network.

Agent: I'm in the cargo hold. Clear. Clear.

Frenzy: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Maggie: You got to cut the hard lines.

Spectacled officer: What?

Maggie: Whatever they want, they are getting it.

Pentagon officer: Sir? Permission to take down the Defense Network.

Spectacled officer: Cut all server hard lines now.

Pentagon officer: Cut all server hard lines now.

Frenzy: [speaks in Cybertronian] Eh. Witwicky. [Cybertronian chatter]

Agent: Someone's tampered with the POTUS mainframe. What the hell-

Frenzy: [yells]

Agents: [grunting]

Air force officer: Shots fired in the under@@%&. Repeat, shots fired. Crew, prepare for emergency descent.

Frenzy: [speaks in Cybertronian]

Keller: I want our President in that bunker. And I don't want to discuss a damn thing other till that becomes reality. That's our first priority, that's our only priority right now.

Officer: Air Force One is on the ground.

Frenzy: [growls, then makes chittering sounds] Found a clue to the All Spark. Witwicky man - he has seen our language. Witwicky Witwicky search [speaks in Cybertronian] We must find LadiesMan217. Go, go, go.

Act Eight:

Sam: [grunting] Oh, God. No no no no no no no no no no! Hey, that's my car! Hoh- No! No no no no no no [Gasping and grunting] Dad, call the cops!

Sam: Where you going with my car, buddy? Where you going? Hello? 911 emergency! My car has been stolen! I'm in pursuit! Right? I need all units, the whole, the whole squadron. Bring everyone! No, don't ask me questions, all right? My father's the head of the neighborhood watch!

Sam: Oh my God.

Sam: [gasping] My name- is Sam Witwicky. Whoever finds this, my car is alive, okay? You saw that? Since this is my last words on Earth, I just wanna say, Mom, Dad, I love you, and if you find Busty Beauties under my bed, it wasn't mine. I'm holding it for Miles. No, no, wait, that- Okay, that's not true. It's mine and Uncle Charles gave it to me. I'm sorry. Mojo, I love you.

Sam: [shouting] No! No! No! No! My God. No, you're a good dog! Good dog! Good dog! Oh my God. Whoa! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Whoa! All right! Oh! No! No!

Sam: Okay. Please, please don't kill me! I'm sorry! Take the keys! I don't want them! Car's yours!

Sam: Whoa whoa whoa. Listen, listen, listen. Good, you're here.

Police officer: Let me see your hands!

Sam: No, no, no, no! It's not me!

Police officer: Let me see your hands.

Sam: The guy's inside!

Police officer: Shut up! Walk towards the car. Put your head on the hood.

Act Nine:

Officer: Whoever did this finally managed to infiltrate our defense network, which is what they tried to do in Qatar, only this time it worked.

Keller: What did they get?

Officer: We still don't know.

Keller: Talk to me about the virus.

Officer: It's a Spider-bot virus. We're not sure what it's going to do, but it may cripple the system.

Keller: Can we stop it?

Officer: Every time we try an antivirus, it adapts and speeds up. It's like it's not a virus anymore. It's become the system.

Brigham: Obviously the first phase of a major attack against the US. The only countries with this kind of capability are Russia, North Korea, maybe China.

Maggie: I'm sorry, that's not correct.

Brigham: Excuse me, young lady. I didn't see you standing there. You would be who?

Maggie: I'm just the analyst who detected the hack.

Keller: Hold on. It was you? You did it?

Officer: Her team.

Maggie: Sir, I was just trying to say, they hacked your firewall in ten seconds. Okay. Even a supercomputer with a- a brute force attack would take twenty years to do that.

Brigham: Maybe you can explain, then, how our latest satellite imagery shows North Korea doubling its naval activity.

Maggie: Maybe it's a precaution, because isn't that what we're doing? [Soft chuckle] The signal pattern is learning. It's evolving on its own. And you need to move past Fourier transfers and start considering quantum mechanics.

Officer: There is nothing on Earth that complex.

Maggie: What about an organism? A living organism? Maybe some kind of... DNA-based computer? And I- I know that that sounds crazy-

Keller: That's enough. That's enough. We have six floors of analysts working on this thing. Now, if you can find proof to back up your theory, I'm gonna be happy to listen to you. But if you don't get a filter on that brain mouth thing, you're gonna be off the team. You understand?

Act Ten:

Sam: Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. It just stood up.

Deputy: It just stood up. Wow. It's really neat. Okay, chiefie. Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy. What are you rolling? Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?

Sam: No, I'm not on any drugs.

Deputy: What's these? Found it in your pocket. [sniff] Mo-jo. Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mo-jo?

Sam: Those are my dog's pain pills.

Ron: You know, a chihuahua. A little...

Deputy: What was that?

Sam: Huh?

Deputy: You eyeballing my piece, Fifty Cent? You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it. 'Cause I promise you. I will bust you up.

Sam: Are you on drugs?

Act Eleven:

Qatar � the Middle East

Lennox: Let's hope this telephone line works.

Soldier: Heads up!

Soldier: Heads up! Hey!

Soldier: Heads up! Whoa!

Donnelly: What the heck was that?

Figueroa: [speaks in Spanish]

Donnelly: English, dude. English.

Epps & Lennox: [screaming]

Scorponok: [screeching]

Soldier: Watch out, sir! [indistinct yelling]

Soldier: Open fire! Contact! Contact!

Lennox: Everybody, quiet. Settle.

Epps: Whoa, mother... What the hell-

Scorponok: [screeching]

Donnelly: Ack-

Soldier: Run! Go!

Lennox: Get up! Get up! Come on!

Scorponok: [screeching]

Figueroa: Whoaaaa!

Lennox: Go! Move it!

Villager: [speaking in Arabian]

Scorponok: [screeching]

Soldier: Take cover!

Lennox: Fig! Cover the rear! Cover fire! Move it! Fig, cover the rear! Epps! Cover the rear! Move it! Come on!

Soldier: Give me a mag!

Lennox: Where's your papa? Where's your papa?

Mahfouz: Papa!

Lennox: Sir, I need a telephone. The- the- telephone.

Mahfouz: [speaking in Arabic]

Akram: Telephone-

Lennox: Telephone, telephone, yes!

Figueroa?: Hey, I need a mag! Give me a mag!

Akram: Cell phone!

Lennox: I don't know how to thank you.

Soldier: Fire!

Lennox: This is an emergency Pentagon call! I need you- do you understand? It's an emergency Pentagon... Aaaah! ... I don't have a credit card!

Operator: Sir, the attitude is not going to speed things up any... bit... at all. I'm going to ask you to speak into the mouthpiece very clearly.

Soldiers and Villagers: [indistinct shouting]

Lennox: I'm in the middle of a war! This is- freaking ridiculous!

Soldier: Ammo!

Scorponok: [screeching]

Lennox: Epps, I need a credit card. Epps! Where's your wallet?

Epps: Pocket!

Lennox: Which pocket?

Epps: My back pocket!

Lennox: You got ten back pockets!

Epps: Left cheek! Left cheek! Left cheek! All right, keep shooting! Keep shooting!

Lennox: Okay, it's Visa.

Operator: Also, sir, have you heard about our premium plus world service gold package?

Lennox: No, I don't want a premium package! Epps! Pentagon!

Brigham: Give me a status. ...



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