Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
Über Rehab |
<Rehab> is an 18 year old guild originally created to house retired raiders that still wanted to raid, and perform in these raids, but no longer wanted to/could commit to all the “out of raid” requirements that mythic raiding brings to the table. This is something we hold close to our heart all these years later and are committed to have a social and fun raiding environment whilst also being rewarding progress wise. This means we have plenty of moments for banter ,but also times where somewhat of a serious time is required during pulls. Zuletzt aktualisiert 8 Wochen vor |
Über Rehab |
<Rehab> is an 18 year old guild originally created to house retired raiders that still wanted to raid, and perform in these raids, but no longer wanted to/could commit to all the “out of raid” requirements that mythic raiding brings to the table. This is something we hold close to our heart all these years later and are committed to have a social and fun raiding environment whilst also being rewarding progress wise. This means we have plenty of moments for banter ,but also times where somewhat of a serious time is required during pulls. Zuletzt aktualisiert 8 Wochen vor |