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Über Rude |
About us Rude is a 20 man raiding guild established in June 2010. Since then we have worked our way up and become a respected raid team clearing Mythic content whilst raiding in a relaxed and fun environment. After achieving [Hall of Fame: G'huun (Horde)] we decided to take a break from BFA raiding. However, as the final tier of BFA approached we decided to raid once again, albeit with a slightly more relaxed attitude and raid schedule. We aim to continue this into Shadowlands/Dragonflight, with an emphasis on a good raid environment + time efficiency over world rank. If you want to push world ranks then we may not be for you, but we will progress at a decent pace and have a ton of fun whilst doing so. What our guild can offer: A strong community with a very active discord server, with multiple people almost always in voice playing WoW/OSRS/PoE/other games. Strong progression for the hours invested. A relaxed and enjoyable raid environment. A VERY stable roster with virtually zero player turnover. Contact us: Feel free to /w [Jerb#2797] on Battlenet for a chat or visit Rudebdf.com for more info. Zuletzt aktualisiert 141 Wochen vor |
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Zunftmeister: Jerby |
Über Rude |
About us Rude is a 20 man raiding guild established in June 2010. Since then we have worked our way up and become a respected raid team clearing Mythic content whilst raiding in a relaxed and fun environment. After achieving [Hall of Fame: G'huun (Horde)] we decided to take a break from BFA raiding. However, as the final tier of BFA approached we decided to raid once again, albeit with a slightly more relaxed attitude and raid schedule. We aim to continue this into Shadowlands/Dragonflight, with an emphasis on a good raid environment + time efficiency over world rank. If you want to push world ranks then we may not be for you, but we will progress at a decent pace and have a ton of fun whilst doing so. What our guild can offer: A strong community with a very active discord server, with multiple people almost always in voice playing WoW/OSRS/PoE/other games. Strong progression for the hours invested. A relaxed and enjoyable raid environment. A VERY stable roster with virtually zero player turnover. Contact us: Feel free to /w [Jerb#2797] on Battlenet for a chat or visit Rudebdf.com for more info. Zuletzt aktualisiert 141 Wochen vor |