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Über Chimera |
We are part of the EU Eonar Connected Realms, with Bronzebeard being our home server and we have a full house of CE achievements for all of Dragonflight. About Us: Chimera formed in 2005 and has a great community of players who love all aspects of the game. We have an active social player base that play throughout the day then a group of players who are more into M+ and Raids, this strikes a nice balance and the Guild is busy at all hours. We have players from various countries across the EU but we are mostly UK based. We are a progressive raid team without elitist attitudes that look for solid timely progress without sacrificing everything to get there, we take the wipes with a laugh (except those 1% dagger in the heart wipes!) and know when to dial into a boss to get the kill. For Our Mythic Raid Team We Are Looking For:
Classes we are looking for: We have several people taking a break after 4 back to back CE's with the core of our team still playing so were looking for a chill rebuilding season. Were looking to recruit:
Raiding Schedule: 2 Progress Raids: Weds & Sun: 20:00 - 23:00 (High % attendance required) 10min break halfway through raid. All Times are Server Time. If this speaks to you, get in touch, your new online home awaits! Contact Danray or an Officer in game for a chat, leave us some details about yourself on our Discord Recruitment Page: https:// discord.gg/kM3g6Uw or contact me directly on Discord: Danray (preferred contact method) or Battle.net: Danray#2466 Kill Video's so you can see how we operate: Mythic Sarkareth: https://youtu.be/XoWkN4et-70 Mythic Queen Ansurek: https://youtu.be/fAvpLhKa-B4 Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
Über Chimera |
We are part of the EU Eonar Connected Realms, with Bronzebeard being our home server and we have a full house of CE achievements for all of Dragonflight. About Us: Chimera formed in 2005 and has a great community of players who love all aspects of the game. We have an active social player base that play throughout the day then a group of players who are more into M+ and Raids, this strikes a nice balance and the Guild is busy at all hours. We have players from various countries across the EU but we are mostly UK based. We are a progressive raid team without elitist attitudes that look for solid timely progress without sacrificing everything to get there, we take the wipes with a laugh (except those 1% dagger in the heart wipes!) and know when to dial into a boss to get the kill. For Our Mythic Raid Team We Are Looking For:
Classes we are looking for: We have several people taking a break after 4 back to back CE's with the core of our team still playing so were looking for a chill rebuilding season. Were looking to recruit:
Raiding Schedule: 2 Progress Raids: Weds & Sun: 20:00 - 23:00 (High % attendance required) 10min break halfway through raid. All Times are Server Time. If this speaks to you, get in touch, your new online home awaits! Contact Danray or an Officer in game for a chat, leave us some details about yourself on our Discord Recruitment Page: https:// discord.gg/kM3g6Uw or contact me directly on Discord: Danray (preferred contact method) or Battle.net: Danray#2466 Kill Video's so you can see how we operate: Mythic Sarkareth: https://youtu.be/XoWkN4et-70 Mythic Queen Ansurek: https://youtu.be/fAvpLhKa-B4 Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |