Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor

Über Adapt

Welcome to <Adapt>

Overview: Adapt are a raiding guild on Draenor EU, Horde. The guild was founded in patch 5.4 and has long-standing members and a strong core of players. We are more than happy to welcome cross-faction gameplay. We raid 2 days per week.

Outside of raid, our discord server is used to regularly put together and run M+ dungeons.

Achievements: Cutting Edge: N'zoth the Corruptor

Raid days:

  • Wednesday and Sunday, 8pm-11pm server time (CET).

Raid Recruitment:

  • Our trial process lasts for a period of two resets (4 raid nights).
  • Please view our current recruitment profile for our desired class/specs.

Mythic+ Recruitment:

  • All players and specs. Just join the discord and grab some reaction roles from the welcome channel.


Apply through or add our recruitment officer Si on: Si#5033 (Discord) or Simon#2647 (

Alternatively, you can contact the GM through Discord: Kelnoctis#8385


Zuletzt aktualisiert 97 Wochen vor
Über Adapt

Welcome to <Adapt>

Overview: Adapt are a raiding guild on Draenor EU, Horde. The guild was founded in patch 5.4 and has long-standing members and a strong core of players. We are more than happy to welcome cross-faction gameplay. We raid 2 days per week.

Outside of raid, our discord server is used to regularly put together and run M+ dungeons.

Achievements: Cutting Edge: N'zoth the Corruptor

Raid days:

  • Wednesday and Sunday, 8pm-11pm server time (CET).

Raid Recruitment:

  • Our trial process lasts for a period of two resets (4 raid nights).
  • Please view our current recruitment profile for our desired class/specs.

Mythic+ Recruitment:

  • All players and specs. Just join the discord and grab some reaction roles from the welcome channel.


Apply through or add our recruitment officer Si on: Si#5033 (Discord) or Simon#2647 (

Alternatively, you can contact the GM through Discord: Kelnoctis#8385


Zuletzt aktualisiert 97 Wochen vor


Wir konnten keine Schlachtzugsprogression für diese Erweiterung finden.

Hatten Sie erwartet, welche zu sehen?

RealmID 579
GruppeID 14241
GildenID 413332

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor