
Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor

Über Disillusioned

We are recruiting for Mythic progression - contact us if you are interested to get started!


Disillusioned was formed as Epiphany on the realm Vek'nilash during T15 by a loose collection of friends. The core of the guild has been raiding together ever since, making the transition from 10 to 20 man in WoD. In 2017 we decided to move the guild to Draenor as Vek'nilash does not offer a huge pool of people to recruit from (and little incentive for people to transfer there).


Our goal remains to clear content while it is current while keeping raid times and demands at real-life compatible levels. We value our excellent atmosphere as much as our raiders' performance. We're here to have fun and kill stuff (preferably bosses, not ourselves!).


++Our progression raid times are:++ Wednesday 20:00-23:00 server Sunday 20:00-23:00 server Monday 20:00-23:00 server


You are expected to be able to make those days regularly. If you cannot commit to a 3 night schedule, we are not the place for you. Of course we don't expect 100% attendance, but be aware that being absent without good reasons won't exactly help you.


++* What we expect from you *++

  • We are looking for players for Mythic raiding. While we prefer people with experience, we are more than happy to help individuals that show potential and are willing to learn and improve. We set high but realistic standards.
  • Be prepared for the Raids. Know your class, your role in fights, tactics for the bosses. Know what to improve when you died to something avoidable
  • Our atmosphere is our samophlange - of utmost importance! At the end of the day, WoW is a game and should be enjoyable for people. Raiding is not a job, it is part of our free time, and should be treated accordingly. Be respectful to people. We won't accept name-calling, raging, emo quitting and whining.
  • We see loot as a tool to kill more stuff, and we are working hard to gear for the good of the group, not the individual. If you only care about decking yourself in shinies, we are not the guild for you.
  • Be able to communicate! We are using Discord as our communication tool of choice, you should be familiar with it. A working microphone is necessary. You don't need to babble nonstop on comms, but it is expected that you share valuable information. This also refers to letting people know in advance when you can't make a raid!


++* What you can expect from us *++

  • a guild with mature people who are not devoid of fun and joking
  • raiding in a relaxed yet focused atmosphere. We only raid 3 days a week and are not likely to extend this.
  • support from fellow guild members in regards to improving your performance
  • a stocked Guildbank taking care of wipe-night repairbills, Flasks and Food


++* The Recruitment *++ We prefer having a tight roster which nonetheless allows everyone to take a break from raiding when they feel like it or are needed elsewhere. We are trying to rotate people fairly so everyone can get the most out of raiding, while guaranteeing a decent setup for progression.


We are currently looking for: * Good, reliable players for Mythic progression who are able to communicate like sensible human beings. Don't be a jerk, "reliable" is not just a random term we are spitting out. * - Recruiting (at least) one Healer, Paladin / Monk preferred


++Even if your class or role is not listed, don't hesitate to apply. We are always open to consider people who are a good fit.++


If you're interested please contact Dejarous (Deja#2308) or ask a guild member ingame to direct you to an Officer.


tl;dr: There is no such thing ;)

Zuletzt aktualisiert 331 Wochen vor
Über Disillusioned

We are recruiting for Mythic progression - contact us if you are interested to get started!


Disillusioned was formed as Epiphany on the realm Vek'nilash during T15 by a loose collection of friends. The core of the guild has been raiding together ever since, making the transition from 10 to 20 man in WoD. In 2017 we decided to move the guild to Draenor as Vek'nilash does not offer a huge pool of people to recruit from (and little incentive for people to transfer there).


Our goal remains to clear content while it is current while keeping raid times and demands at real-life compatible levels. We value our excellent atmosphere as much as our raiders' performance. We're here to have fun and kill stuff (preferably bosses, not ourselves!).


++Our progression raid times are:++ Wednesday 20:00-23:00 server Sunday 20:00-23:00 server Monday 20:00-23:00 server


You are expected to be able to make those days regularly. If you cannot commit to a 3 night schedule, we are not the place for you. Of course we don't expect 100% attendance, but be aware that being absent without good reasons won't exactly help you.


++* What we expect from you *++

  • We are looking for players for Mythic raiding. While we prefer people with experience, we are more than happy to help individuals that show potential and are willing to learn and improve. We set high but realistic standards.
  • Be prepared for the Raids. Know your class, your role in fights, tactics for the bosses. Know what to improve when you died to something avoidable
  • Our atmosphere is our samophlange - of utmost importance! At the end of the day, WoW is a game and should be enjoyable for people. Raiding is not a job, it is part of our free time, and should be treated accordingly. Be respectful to people. We won't accept name-calling, raging, emo quitting and whining.
  • We see loot as a tool to kill more stuff, and we are working hard to gear for the good of the group, not the individual. If you only care about decking yourself in shinies, we are not the guild for you.
  • Be able to communicate! We are using Discord as our communication tool of choice, you should be familiar with it. A working microphone is necessary. You don't need to babble nonstop on comms, but it is expected that you share valuable information. This also refers to letting people know in advance when you can't make a raid!


++* What you can expect from us *++

  • a guild with mature people who are not devoid of fun and joking
  • raiding in a relaxed yet focused atmosphere. We only raid 3 days a week and are not likely to extend this.
  • support from fellow guild members in regards to improving your performance
  • a stocked Guildbank taking care of wipe-night repairbills, Flasks and Food


++* The Recruitment *++ We prefer having a tight roster which nonetheless allows everyone to take a break from raiding when they feel like it or are needed elsewhere. We are trying to rotate people fairly so everyone can get the most out of raiding, while guaranteeing a decent setup for progression.


We are currently looking for: * Good, reliable players for Mythic progression who are able to communicate like sensible human beings. Don't be a jerk, "reliable" is not just a random term we are spitting out. * - Recruiting (at least) one Healer, Paladin / Monk preferred


++Even if your class or role is not listed, don't hesitate to apply. We are always open to consider people who are a good fit.++


If you're interested please contact Dejarous (Deja#2308) or ask a guild member ingame to direct you to an Officer.


tl;dr: There is no such thing ;)

Zuletzt aktualisiert 331 Wochen vor


Wir konnten keine Schlachtzugsprogression für diese Erweiterung finden.

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RealmID 579
GruppeID 12208
GildenID 390472

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor