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Über Fragment |
Fragment is a newly formed raiding guild located on Draenor. We are a group of friends with multiple tiers of cutting edge raiding experience looking to form a great raid team that will excel in mythic while having fun with friends. Outside of raiding we also play other games and run a high amount of mythic plus. WE ARE CURRENTLY RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS, IF YOU THINK YOU’LL BE A GOOD FIT AND CAN MAKE RAID TIMES LISTED BELOW YOU CAN REACH OUT TO ONE OF THE OFFICERS OR APPLY. RAID TIMES TUESDAY 8PM-11PM ST WEDNESDAY 8PM-11PM ST If we add an alt night for fun it will be posted in discord a few days before and its not a required raid to attend. Just show up if you wanna gear an alt or have fun. –Expectations– ATTITUDE; A good attitude is required during raiding. Our core raiders all love to joke around and have a fun time but we also love to kill bosses. We will expect everyone to play at a decent level and stay in a positive mood while progressing. We aren’t a top tier hall of fame guild so there will be progression time and wipes, if you don’t enjoy progression then this is most likely not the guild for you. We will not recruit for a bench but if you are benched for a certain fight you are expected to have a good attitude and understand its best for the guild. ATTENDANCE; Everyone is required to log in before raid time fully prepared with consumables (flask, food, potions, health-pots, etc). We understand that sometimes life happens and some raiders will be late or have to miss. This is fine as long as it's not consistent and you let us know as soon as possible prior to the raid starting. PERFORMANCE; We are only raiding 2 days and week and 3 hours each day. This means that everyone should be performing as well as possible so we have more efficient time spent in raids. This includes making sure you are playing your class at a high level and having a general understanding on how to do the boss fight. If you aren’t pulling your own weight and/or messing up mechanics often, you will be sat. LOOT; Loot from bosses will be given out through RCL (Loot council). Many factors will go into who will be receiving the loot, some examples will be performance during the raid, classes, attendance, etc. We expect everyone to have a good understanding on whats an upgrade for you using sims. Complaining about loot constantly will result in you getting less loot. We will put the gear where it's best suited. If you have any questions or want to apply then contact one of the officers. Apply Here: forms.gle/sGxfSzhwMC3EqsWc6 Contact: ginsengxd (Discord) .hav. (Discord) drury (Discord) Zuletzt aktualisiert 22 Wochen vor |
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Zunftmeister: Beamte: Laquesha |
Über Fragment |
Fragment is a newly formed raiding guild located on Draenor. We are a group of friends with multiple tiers of cutting edge raiding experience looking to form a great raid team that will excel in mythic while having fun with friends. Outside of raiding we also play other games and run a high amount of mythic plus. WE ARE CURRENTLY RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS, IF YOU THINK YOU’LL BE A GOOD FIT AND CAN MAKE RAID TIMES LISTED BELOW YOU CAN REACH OUT TO ONE OF THE OFFICERS OR APPLY. RAID TIMES TUESDAY 8PM-11PM ST WEDNESDAY 8PM-11PM ST If we add an alt night for fun it will be posted in discord a few days before and its not a required raid to attend. Just show up if you wanna gear an alt or have fun. –Expectations– ATTITUDE; A good attitude is required during raiding. Our core raiders all love to joke around and have a fun time but we also love to kill bosses. We will expect everyone to play at a decent level and stay in a positive mood while progressing. We aren’t a top tier hall of fame guild so there will be progression time and wipes, if you don’t enjoy progression then this is most likely not the guild for you. We will not recruit for a bench but if you are benched for a certain fight you are expected to have a good attitude and understand its best for the guild. ATTENDANCE; Everyone is required to log in before raid time fully prepared with consumables (flask, food, potions, health-pots, etc). We understand that sometimes life happens and some raiders will be late or have to miss. This is fine as long as it's not consistent and you let us know as soon as possible prior to the raid starting. PERFORMANCE; We are only raiding 2 days and week and 3 hours each day. This means that everyone should be performing as well as possible so we have more efficient time spent in raids. This includes making sure you are playing your class at a high level and having a general understanding on how to do the boss fight. If you aren’t pulling your own weight and/or messing up mechanics often, you will be sat. LOOT; Loot from bosses will be given out through RCL (Loot council). Many factors will go into who will be receiving the loot, some examples will be performance during the raid, classes, attendance, etc. We expect everyone to have a good understanding on whats an upgrade for you using sims. Complaining about loot constantly will result in you getting less loot. We will put the gear where it's best suited. If you have any questions or want to apply then contact one of the officers. Apply Here: forms.gle/sGxfSzhwMC3EqsWc6 Contact: ginsengxd (Discord) .hav. (Discord) drury (Discord) Zuletzt aktualisiert 22 Wochen vor |