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Über Grandia |
Grandia is a Horde guild based on Draenor-EU made up of a bunch of (mainly) 25+ players from the UK, though we welcome players from all over the world. We offer a pretty chilled environment for people to unwind and enjoy themselves while playing, including a laid back 2 night raid team that runs on Thursdays and Sundays from 21:00-00:00 Server Time. Our aim is to clear heroic and progress through mythic at a steady pace, whilst having a laugh and maintaining a relaxed atmosphere we all love. We are not aiming for CE but we do aim to improve from tier to tier. If Grandia sounds like the place for you, get in touch with @mitchell1569 on discord or apply at https://apply.wowaudit.com/eu/draenor/grandia Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Wochen vor |
Über Grandia |
Grandia is a Horde guild based on Draenor-EU made up of a bunch of (mainly) 25+ players from the UK, though we welcome players from all over the world. We offer a pretty chilled environment for people to unwind and enjoy themselves while playing, including a laid back 2 night raid team that runs on Thursdays and Sundays from 21:00-00:00 Server Time. Our aim is to clear heroic and progress through mythic at a steady pace, whilst having a laugh and maintaining a relaxed atmosphere we all love. We are not aiming for CE but we do aim to improve from tier to tier. If Grandia sounds like the place for you, get in touch with @mitchell1569 on discord or apply at https://apply.wowaudit.com/eu/draenor/grandia Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Wochen vor |