
Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor

Über Purified

Purified is a semi-hardcore raiding guild aiming to complete cutting edge on a light schedule.

Tuesday: 20:00-23:30

Thursday: 20:00-23:30

Sunday: 20:00-23:30

We do alt runs on Fridays for fun at usual raid times.

Invites for raids start at 19:45, we pull at 20:00

Particularly interested in a Holy Paladin and a ranged dps. Considering any exceptional players of all other classes!

Message the officer contact at the bottom of the page for a direct chat, no application form required!

During farm we sell mythic raid boosts as guild and make some bank for our raiders.

We do heroic within these days at the start of the tier.

The application process consists in talking directly to us on discord. Add the officer contact at the bottom of this page to get in touch

We are a very tight knit community, where everyone in the guild has tasks that take no longer than 30m/1h per week that benefit everyone. Be it organizing alt runs, being in charge of consumable flow in and out of the guild bank or many other small tasks.

Everyone does their part to keep the guild a well oiled machine.

Under the name Tainted, in Cataclysm we were server first on Madness of Deathwing 10man. We took a break during Pandaria halfway through Throne of Thunder and reformed at the beginning of Legion on Outland alliance, sadly after transfering to Silvermoon just after Star Augur the guild fell due to recruitment issues and some of us went to raid under a different guild as their second raid team which managed to down Gul'dan and Kil'jaeden ~WR450, but stopped halfway through Antorus.

We ended BfA in the top 250 guilds in the world, which is something we were satisfied with, but would still like to keep improving.

We approached Castle Nathria with a more laid back approach, seeing as it was a raid released during xmas and we'll be looking for roster upgrades between tiers.

We are a guild filled with players that have played together in some form since Vanilla and we all have the experience of raiding at a high level. Atmosphere in raids and in the guild in general is really important to us, respect towards your team mates is of the paramount importance.

If you feel you could add to the experience of the team, then do not hesitate to contact one of the officers for a chat.

Ideally you will be 18+ as our humor can be interesting at times. If you are younger but are mature enough then you will still be considered.

You MUST have a working microphone and able to speak on Discord if/when required. You must also have a PC capable of raiding mythic with good fps, we can't and won't have you fps lagging and causing wipes.

If you think we're the guild for you, please drop the officer below a message and we'll talk with you directly, no application form required!

Officer contact (Discord): Kemi#6492 Raid Leader and Guild Master

Sanctum of Domination Pull Counter:

The Tarragrue: 2

The Eye of the Jailer: 16

The Nine: 8

Remant of Ner'zhul: 64

Soulrender Dormazain: 24

Painsmith Raznal: 112

Guardian: 22

Fatescribe Roh-Kalo: 43

Kel'Thuzad: 37

Sylvanas: 145

Castle Nathria Pull Counter:

Shriekwing: 6

Huntsman Altimor: 16

Hungering Destroyer: 39

Sun King: 40

Inerva: 62

Artificer: 20

Council of Blood: 76

Sludgefist: 85

Stone Legion: 177

Denathrius: 170

Zuletzt aktualisiert 175 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick


Über Purified

Purified is a semi-hardcore raiding guild aiming to complete cutting edge on a light schedule.

Tuesday: 20:00-23:30

Thursday: 20:00-23:30

Sunday: 20:00-23:30

We do alt runs on Fridays for fun at usual raid times.

Invites for raids start at 19:45, we pull at 20:00

Particularly interested in a Holy Paladin and a ranged dps. Considering any exceptional players of all other classes!

Message the officer contact at the bottom of the page for a direct chat, no application form required!

During farm we sell mythic raid boosts as guild and make some bank for our raiders.

We do heroic within these days at the start of the tier.

The application process consists in talking directly to us on discord. Add the officer contact at the bottom of this page to get in touch

We are a very tight knit community, where everyone in the guild has tasks that take no longer than 30m/1h per week that benefit everyone. Be it organizing alt runs, being in charge of consumable flow in and out of the guild bank or many other small tasks.

Everyone does their part to keep the guild a well oiled machine.

Under the name Tainted, in Cataclysm we were server first on Madness of Deathwing 10man. We took a break during Pandaria halfway through Throne of Thunder and reformed at the beginning of Legion on Outland alliance, sadly after transfering to Silvermoon just after Star Augur the guild fell due to recruitment issues and some of us went to raid under a different guild as their second raid team which managed to down Gul'dan and Kil'jaeden ~WR450, but stopped halfway through Antorus.

We ended BfA in the top 250 guilds in the world, which is something we were satisfied with, but would still like to keep improving.

We approached Castle Nathria with a more laid back approach, seeing as it was a raid released during xmas and we'll be looking for roster upgrades between tiers.

We are a guild filled with players that have played together in some form since Vanilla and we all have the experience of raiding at a high level. Atmosphere in raids and in the guild in general is really important to us, respect towards your team mates is of the paramount importance.

If you feel you could add to the experience of the team, then do not hesitate to contact one of the officers for a chat.

Ideally you will be 18+ as our humor can be interesting at times. If you are younger but are mature enough then you will still be considered.

You MUST have a working microphone and able to speak on Discord if/when required. You must also have a PC capable of raiding mythic with good fps, we can't and won't have you fps lagging and causing wipes.

If you think we're the guild for you, please drop the officer below a message and we'll talk with you directly, no application form required!

Officer contact (Discord): Kemi#6492 Raid Leader and Guild Master

Sanctum of Domination Pull Counter:

The Tarragrue: 2

The Eye of the Jailer: 16

The Nine: 8

Remant of Ner'zhul: 64

Soulrender Dormazain: 24

Painsmith Raznal: 112

Guardian: 22

Fatescribe Roh-Kalo: 43

Kel'Thuzad: 37

Sylvanas: 145

Castle Nathria Pull Counter:

Shriekwing: 6

Huntsman Altimor: 16

Hungering Destroyer: 39

Sun King: 40

Inerva: 62

Artificer: 20

Council of Blood: 76

Sludgefist: 85

Stone Legion: 177

Denathrius: 170

Zuletzt aktualisiert 175 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick



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RealmID 579
GruppeID 707257
GildenID 750622

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor