
3/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
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Befreiung von Undermine
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Nerub-ar Palast

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor

Über Furieux
Welcome to Furieux!
Azeroth calls tae ye, champion...

Are you looking for a mythic guild that goes big &%@$ every patch? Well, We are not sweaty like that, although we appreciate an active tier with a good amount of progress under our belts. If you're looking for a casual guild that raids Heroic and Mythic and if you can have fun and hang out while not being a complete noobcake you've found the guild you're looking for.

"Furieux" was founded on January 30th, 2006, on Daggerspine. Some of the oldest members are still around, too, but the bulk of our raiding roster is composed of players who've joined us since the start of Dragonflight. We're quite fond of the growing guild we've built and rarely turn new faces away. Our ultimate goal is to create and maintain a fun community where players can comfortably team up, help each other, and even learn from each other.

At its core, "Furieux" is first and foremost a social guild. It's important to us, and our members, to work toward a toxic-free and positive environment, so we can comfortably do what we love most in WoW - push content from M+ to dipping our toes into Mythic raiding. All while maintaining cohesion and camaraderie.

Our certified Wailing Caverns jump experts (the officer team) are always available for questions and assistance. Suggestions and initiatives are also highly welcome. So make yourself comfortable and don't be shy to speak up!

What you can apply to
  • A goal oriented Mythic group progressing towards the guilds first Cutting Edge
  • A laidback Heroic group, getting AOTC each tier
  • As a social that wants a guild for M+/PvP
Recruitment status: closed for raid applications, still recruiting socials.
What we expect from our Mythic team applicants
  • That you enjoy raiding and can handle wiping as part of progression
  • Independent preparation for current and upcoming encounters.
  • Mythic raid experience
  • Solid attendance is expected
What you can expect from us
  • A welcoming, friendly and inclusive community
  • A very active discord of guildies, that loves socializing
  • A mature group of players (the average age of our players is 28-30).
  • Zero toxicity, but beware of our trolls. They be messing with the voodoo
Raid times
  • Invites start at 19:45 (server time, UTC+2)
  • Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 (Mythic Group)
  • Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 (Heroic Group)
  • Sunday 20:00 - 23:00 (Mythic Group)
Contact us

Kalatea - Guild Master
Discord: kalatea

Rieff - Officer
Discord: dybbelyb
BNet: Dybdal #2364

Take care and we hope to see you in Azeroth!

Zuletzt aktualisiert 28 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Kalatea

Beamte: Belmore, Deevoll, Kalathia, Kaltyra, Rieff, Shevoll, Sygrun, Vedaria

Über Furieux
Welcome to Furieux!
Azeroth calls tae ye, champion...

Are you looking for a mythic guild that goes big &%@$ every patch? Well, We are not sweaty like that, although we appreciate an active tier with a good amount of progress under our belts. If you're looking for a casual guild that raids Heroic and Mythic and if you can have fun and hang out while not being a complete noobcake you've found the guild you're looking for.

"Furieux" was founded on January 30th, 2006, on Daggerspine. Some of the oldest members are still around, too, but the bulk of our raiding roster is composed of players who've joined us since the start of Dragonflight. We're quite fond of the growing guild we've built and rarely turn new faces away. Our ultimate goal is to create and maintain a fun community where players can comfortably team up, help each other, and even learn from each other.

At its core, "Furieux" is first and foremost a social guild. It's important to us, and our members, to work toward a toxic-free and positive environment, so we can comfortably do what we love most in WoW - push content from M+ to dipping our toes into Mythic raiding. All while maintaining cohesion and camaraderie.

Our certified Wailing Caverns jump experts (the officer team) are always available for questions and assistance. Suggestions and initiatives are also highly welcome. So make yourself comfortable and don't be shy to speak up!

What you can apply to
  • A goal oriented Mythic group progressing towards the guilds first Cutting Edge
  • A laidback Heroic group, getting AOTC each tier
  • As a social that wants a guild for M+/PvP
Recruitment status: closed for raid applications, still recruiting socials.
What we expect from our Mythic team applicants
  • That you enjoy raiding and can handle wiping as part of progression
  • Independent preparation for current and upcoming encounters.
  • Mythic raid experience
  • Solid attendance is expected
What you can expect from us
  • A welcoming, friendly and inclusive community
  • A very active discord of guildies, that loves socializing
  • A mature group of players (the average age of our players is 28-30).
  • Zero toxicity, but beware of our trolls. They be messing with the voodoo
Raid times
  • Invites start at 19:45 (server time, UTC+2)
  • Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 (Mythic Group)
  • Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 (Heroic Group)
  • Sunday 20:00 - 23:00 (Mythic Group)
Contact us

Kalatea - Guild Master
Discord: kalatea

Rieff - Officer
Discord: dybbelyb
BNet: Dybdal #2364

Take care and we hope to see you in Azeroth!

Zuletzt aktualisiert 28 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Kalatea

Beamte: Belmore, Deevoll, Kalathia, Kaltyra, Rieff, Shevoll, Sygrun, Vedaria


Befreiung von Undermine
Heldenhaft3/8 H4,6252,515156
Normal8/8 N3,9092,147114
Nerub-ar Palast
Mystik4/8 M4,6452,665144
Heldenhaft8/8 H4,8262,698181
Normal8/8 N1,13350550
RealmID 631
GruppeID 323137
GildenID 1130

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor