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Über Imperative |
Recruitment : Currently, we are recruiting all kinds of players for the upcoming season, always looking for exceptional individuals to make our team stronger Who we are? Imperative is a cutting-edge guild that was originally established as a 3-day raiding guild in 2017. Currently, we are transitioning to a 2-day raiding schedule. Our goal is to achieve Cutting Edge with solid progress while maintaining a relaxed and chill atmosphere. Our main goal for S2 To achieve our previous ranks that were 400-500 world Ranking while maintain 2 days raiding.
Recruitment statue If you are a highly skilled, competitive player and confident that your abilities would be a valuable asset to our guild, we encourage you to apply by submitting an application through our online form. Even if your class is not listed on our current recruitment status, we welcome applications from exceptional players of all classes. Thank you for considering us, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Our previous experience : 1- Cutting Edge: Raszageth the Storm-Eater 2- Cutting Edge: The Jailer 3-Cutting Edge: Sylvanas Windrunner 4-Cutting Edge: Sire Denathrius 5-Cutting Edge: Queen Azshara 6-Cutting Edge: G'huun 7-Cutting Edge: Kil'jaeden 8-Cutting Edge: Xavius 9-Cutting Edge: The Black Gate Raid Times : Thursday and sunday 20>23:00 What we expect from you Be prepared for the raid. Attendance 99% during progress, reliability is a must. Ability to communicate in English (written and spoken). Be able to receive criticism and fix your mistakes not blame others. Put the raid first not your personal logs, this includes being benched if required for the fight. Understand that loot is distributed with progression in mind. Raid farm – available for content farming when the tier has been completed. Contact : Gm/RL : Evilshooter > Bnet (evil#23961) Apply : discord.gg/3swyakEU https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1WhJSmltT4jO0ogwPFbWUEC21qBQatWdfJOuUMuMR_20/viewform?edit_requested=true Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Evilshooter Beamte: Ervilian, Esvaiola, Evilshøoter, Jaykop, Miierana |
Über Imperative |
Recruitment : Currently, we are recruiting all kinds of players for the upcoming season, always looking for exceptional individuals to make our team stronger Who we are? Imperative is a cutting-edge guild that was originally established as a 3-day raiding guild in 2017. Currently, we are transitioning to a 2-day raiding schedule. Our goal is to achieve Cutting Edge with solid progress while maintaining a relaxed and chill atmosphere. Our main goal for S2 To achieve our previous ranks that were 400-500 world Ranking while maintain 2 days raiding.
Recruitment statue If you are a highly skilled, competitive player and confident that your abilities would be a valuable asset to our guild, we encourage you to apply by submitting an application through our online form. Even if your class is not listed on our current recruitment status, we welcome applications from exceptional players of all classes. Thank you for considering us, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Our previous experience : 1- Cutting Edge: Raszageth the Storm-Eater 2- Cutting Edge: The Jailer 3-Cutting Edge: Sylvanas Windrunner 4-Cutting Edge: Sire Denathrius 5-Cutting Edge: Queen Azshara 6-Cutting Edge: G'huun 7-Cutting Edge: Kil'jaeden 8-Cutting Edge: Xavius 9-Cutting Edge: The Black Gate Raid Times : Thursday and sunday 20>23:00 What we expect from you Be prepared for the raid. Attendance 99% during progress, reliability is a must. Ability to communicate in English (written and spoken). Be able to receive criticism and fix your mistakes not blame others. Put the raid first not your personal logs, this includes being benched if required for the fight. Understand that loot is distributed with progression in mind. Raid farm – available for content farming when the tier has been completed. Contact : Gm/RL : Evilshooter > Bnet (evil#23961) Apply : discord.gg/3swyakEU https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1WhJSmltT4jO0ogwPFbWUEC21qBQatWdfJOuUMuMR_20/viewform?edit_requested=true Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |