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Über Psychic |
< Psychic > is a mythic raiding guild on Kazzak. We have raided since the later parts of Battle for Azeroth through till the end of Sanctum of Domination where the guild stopped raiding due to burnout. We are now back and looking to rebuild. Our focus is mainly centered around 3 things: Achieving Cutting Edge with 2 raiding days, maintaining a stable roster, and having no World Rank pressure. Zuletzt aktualisiert 123 Wochen vor |
Über Psychic |
< Psychic > is a mythic raiding guild on Kazzak. We have raided since the later parts of Battle for Azeroth through till the end of Sanctum of Domination where the guild stopped raiding due to burnout. We are now back and looking to rebuild. Our focus is mainly centered around 3 things: Achieving Cutting Edge with 2 raiding days, maintaining a stable roster, and having no World Rank pressure. Zuletzt aktualisiert 123 Wochen vor |