
Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor

Über Shards

Welcome to Shards and thank you for considering us

We are a guild created late in CN by CE players with a strong focus on progression, achieving Cutting Edge and forming a collective of like-minded players to achieve our goals for Shadowlands and beyond.

We believe that proper planning and structure leads to the most optimal raiding experience, therefore we require every raider to come ready for every raid. Getting to know our kill tactic prior to each raid, having your character in optimal state and being mentally ready to progress is a requirement we expect from every raider.


Raiding Schedule Wed: 19.00-22:00 Thur: 19.00-22:00 Sun: 19.00-22:00

All raids will contain a 10 minute break in the middle and we start invites 15 minutes prior. Flasks, oils, vantus, repairs, health pots and feasts are all provided from the guild.

Our Requirements:

  • English speaking
  • Good attendance
  • Able to take constructive criticism and make positive comments
  • Progression orientated
  • Addons (WeakAuras 2, Exorsus Raid Tools, RCLootCouncil, BigWigs/DBM)
  • Working mic!

What you can expect from us:

  • A stable raid environment full of passionate raiders who strive to work together as a team.
  • Excellent management who ensure the raid is fully prepared for every fight ahead of time, we make presentations and keep active discussions with all members of the raid roster so that no one misses a beat.
  • A skilled multi CE raid leader.
  • Fun, Drama-free raid environment. Progression can be fun but kill pulls are always serious.
  • Social guild where people are always playing with others.
  • Dedicated leaders that are working hard and that listen to the group.
  • A social atmosphere to enjoy the different parts of game together.
  • Feasts, consumables and Cauldrons for raids.
  • High M+ keys run.

Loot System

Here at Shards, we believe that Loot should be given to those that it will make the most impact on. We therefore ask that all Raiders and Trials use Droptimiser to be able to give us relevant and accurate numbers so that our loot council can assign it to the place it will have the most value. This should always be a pre-raid activity and posted in the relevant channels. If any BoEs drop during mythic raid that are not wanted as a major upgrade for the raid team then this will go to the guild bank to continue funding consumables and guild expenses.


While we don't tolerate harassment we do enjoy a good joke so if you're looking for a "safe space" then this might not be the guild for you. We have a strict 18+ rule. Memes and shitposting is always welcome but progression pulls are serious. Drama filled individuals and/or toxic attitudes are not welcome in our raid team.

Thank you for reading this far, please check out our application form below! Exceptional Players are always welcome regardless of class!

To apply, please fill in:\_y-4cxjtedV-34TlMfwOp\_UXOOzyf-\_smFFRh2c6Q/viewform?fbzx=-514222090933372286

For any other questions, please contact the following:

Contact info

Leyapala (GM): Leyahicks#2843 btag / Leya#6029 discord

Rickmaybe (RL/Recruitment): Ricklol2184 btag / Ricky#2696 discord

Zuletzt aktualisiert 182 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Executeleya

Beamte: Rickyes

Über Shards

Welcome to Shards and thank you for considering us

We are a guild created late in CN by CE players with a strong focus on progression, achieving Cutting Edge and forming a collective of like-minded players to achieve our goals for Shadowlands and beyond.

We believe that proper planning and structure leads to the most optimal raiding experience, therefore we require every raider to come ready for every raid. Getting to know our kill tactic prior to each raid, having your character in optimal state and being mentally ready to progress is a requirement we expect from every raider.


Raiding Schedule Wed: 19.00-22:00 Thur: 19.00-22:00 Sun: 19.00-22:00

All raids will contain a 10 minute break in the middle and we start invites 15 minutes prior. Flasks, oils, vantus, repairs, health pots and feasts are all provided from the guild.

Our Requirements:

  • English speaking
  • Good attendance
  • Able to take constructive criticism and make positive comments
  • Progression orientated
  • Addons (WeakAuras 2, Exorsus Raid Tools, RCLootCouncil, BigWigs/DBM)
  • Working mic!

What you can expect from us:

  • A stable raid environment full of passionate raiders who strive to work together as a team.
  • Excellent management who ensure the raid is fully prepared for every fight ahead of time, we make presentations and keep active discussions with all members of the raid roster so that no one misses a beat.
  • A skilled multi CE raid leader.
  • Fun, Drama-free raid environment. Progression can be fun but kill pulls are always serious.
  • Social guild where people are always playing with others.
  • Dedicated leaders that are working hard and that listen to the group.
  • A social atmosphere to enjoy the different parts of game together.
  • Feasts, consumables and Cauldrons for raids.
  • High M+ keys run.

Loot System

Here at Shards, we believe that Loot should be given to those that it will make the most impact on. We therefore ask that all Raiders and Trials use Droptimiser to be able to give us relevant and accurate numbers so that our loot council can assign it to the place it will have the most value. This should always be a pre-raid activity and posted in the relevant channels. If any BoEs drop during mythic raid that are not wanted as a major upgrade for the raid team then this will go to the guild bank to continue funding consumables and guild expenses.


While we don't tolerate harassment we do enjoy a good joke so if you're looking for a "safe space" then this might not be the guild for you. We have a strict 18+ rule. Memes and shitposting is always welcome but progression pulls are serious. Drama filled individuals and/or toxic attitudes are not welcome in our raid team.

Thank you for reading this far, please check out our application form below! Exceptional Players are always welcome regardless of class!

To apply, please fill in:\_y-4cxjtedV-34TlMfwOp\_UXOOzyf-\_smFFRh2c6Q/viewform?fbzx=-514222090933372286

For any other questions, please contact the following:

Contact info

Leyapala (GM): Leyahicks#2843 btag / Leya#6029 discord

Rickmaybe (RL/Recruitment): Ricklol2184 btag / Ricky#2696 discord

Zuletzt aktualisiert 182 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Executeleya

Beamte: Rickyes


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RealmID 631
GruppeID 1532966
GildenID 1559959

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor