
Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor

Über Valued

++About Valued++ Valued is the former Mythic raiding team of Predication, which has decided to have a more casual approach for BFA and beyond. Following this change of philosophy, the mythic team has splintered off into Valued in order to continue pushing mythic content. Our goal is to keep going for higher worldranks while maintaining a social atmosphere outside of raids.

Legion World Ranks: T21: 601 T20: 689 T19: 1099

++Raiding Shedule++ Wednesday: 19:30-23:30 Thursday: 19:30-23:30 Monday: 19:30-23:30

We do not have additional mandatory raiding days during progress but we offer an altrun on sundays for heroic and later mythic.

++What we expect from you++

  • A working Mic (Discord)

  • Fluent english

  • High Attendance (close to 100%)

  • Recent Logs

  • Stable internet connection

  • Being active. Dont log in for raids only

  • Dont cause Drama

++What we offer++

  • Consistent raiding days(Only break during christmas)

  • Dedicated and active leadership

  • Glory, Mount and other non main raid runs.

  • Ways to gear up alts

  • A relaxed and fun raiding atmosphere if it doesn't prevent progress

++Recruitment++ If you are interested in Applying to our guild, please fill out this short questionnaire and one of our officers will contact you in 1-3 days to arrange to talk to you on discord. Please make sure you read the rest of this page before you apply

++Kill Videos++ To get a feeling for raid atmosphere and recent accomplishments.

Mythic KJ

Mythic Argus

Zuletzt aktualisiert 334 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick


Über Valued

++About Valued++ Valued is the former Mythic raiding team of Predication, which has decided to have a more casual approach for BFA and beyond. Following this change of philosophy, the mythic team has splintered off into Valued in order to continue pushing mythic content. Our goal is to keep going for higher worldranks while maintaining a social atmosphere outside of raids.

Legion World Ranks: T21: 601 T20: 689 T19: 1099

++Raiding Shedule++ Wednesday: 19:30-23:30 Thursday: 19:30-23:30 Monday: 19:30-23:30

We do not have additional mandatory raiding days during progress but we offer an altrun on sundays for heroic and later mythic.

++What we expect from you++

  • A working Mic (Discord)

  • Fluent english

  • High Attendance (close to 100%)

  • Recent Logs

  • Stable internet connection

  • Being active. Dont log in for raids only

  • Dont cause Drama

++What we offer++

  • Consistent raiding days(Only break during christmas)

  • Dedicated and active leadership

  • Glory, Mount and other non main raid runs.

  • Ways to gear up alts

  • A relaxed and fun raiding atmosphere if it doesn't prevent progress

++Recruitment++ If you are interested in Applying to our guild, please fill out this short questionnaire and one of our officers will contact you in 1-3 days to arrange to talk to you on discord. Please make sure you read the rest of this page before you apply

++Kill Videos++ To get a feeling for raid atmosphere and recent accomplishments.

Mythic KJ

Mythic Argus

Zuletzt aktualisiert 334 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick



Wir konnten keine Schlachtzugsprogression für diese Erweiterung finden.

Hatten Sie erwartet, welche zu sehen?

RealmID 631
GruppeID 744624
GildenID 779709

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor