Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor


Welcome to YIKEZ We’re a newly started guild on Kazzak-EU which consists of RL friends that have been playing together for a while and now would like to form their own guild to progress through 9.2 and onwards.

We’ve raided and led raid teams before and do know we have the experience needed to make this into something great. We only ask for patience if you’re up for the challenge and to give us the benefit of the doubt when it comes to everything falling into place, for us to start raiding as soon as possible.

We’ll begin our journey in Normal just to start something up and work our way up to heroics/mythic. We’ll have many different levels of players when it comes to experience and skills, so we just want to start with setting the right atmosphere in the guild first. We do expect everyone that joins to always try their best. Which means we do expect you to do your dailies, weekly and come prepared to the raids and so on to maximize your performance as a player of YIKEZ . We understand everyone doesn’t have all the time in the world to min-max their character but as our aim is at the end to reach CE we’ll be putting the bar on what's expected higher for each week/month. Sadly we understand not everyone will be able to come with us through the entire journey but we will help every individual as much as we can for you to succeed in our roster.

Raidhours/Days: Saturday 20.00 - 23.00 Server time Sunday 18.00 - 21.00 Server time

As we will be raiding 6 hours a week we expect our players to come fully prepared for whatever lays on our schedule for the day. Which means we expect everyone to come fully enchanted/gemmed and have potions/weapon runs for the entire duration of the raid. We’ll have a 5-10 minute break depending on the night and we do expect everyone to be ready as soon as that timer hits zero.

What we, the leaders bring to the table:

  • Experienced players who have past experience of leading guilds.

  • Active players through most of the day. However we do not expect people to play all day long.

  • Alts are loved in our guild, and therefore you can expect some alt activities later on once we are more settled.

  • An active discord-channel with everything you may need.

  • We’ll provide the guild with Flasks/Potions, later on guild repairs once we see a stable income.

What we expect from people who wants to join <YIKEZ>

  • Always come prepared with the latest tactics and the consumables we do not provide, such as potions, vantus runes, weapon enchants etc. We’ll discuss a lot on what approach we’ll have for different encounters on our discord so make sure to stay up-to-date on that.

  • Do everything you can do to keep your character up-to-speed with everything. Such as conduits, renown, the right covenant and having the appropriate legendaries for each encounter.

  • We’ll have a calendar on discord that we’ll use for each raid, make sure to use it. We expect everyone to have a good attendance to our raids. We understand real-life can happen and stuff breaks down, but missing too many raids with no communication or it happening too often will put you in risk of losing your raidspot.

  • We don’t really care how long you’ve come before joining the guild as it’s the player we want, not the character. The only thing we require from you is to have a working microphone, to not be afraid of using it and some sort of past raiding experience, doesnt have to be recent. Communication between all players will be key and the difference between a progress-kill or us wiping to dumb stuff someone else might have seen during the encounter that should’ve been called out.


  • Balance Druid [HIGH]
  • Warlock [HIGH]
  • Mage [HIGH]
  • Elemental Shaman [HIGH]
  • Shadow Priest [LOW]
  • Disc Priest [HIGH]
  • Holy Paladin [HIGH]
  • MW Monk [HIGH]

We use and expect everyone to have these addons installed and ready for your first raidnight:

  • Bigwigs or DBM
  • Method Raid Tools
  • Rc Loot Council
  • Weak auras

If you still have unanswered questions feel free to join our discord and chat with either me or any of the officers.

B-tags: Ville#2746| GM Ribeye#21397 | Officer GiantDwarf#26350 | Officer


No application is necessary but I will be dragging you in on discord for a small chat before we invite you to the guild. So make sure you have 10-15 minutes free for whenever you contact us.

If your’e just looking for a guild as a social don’t hesitate to whisper anyone in the guild.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 151 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Straand


Welcome to YIKEZ We’re a newly started guild on Kazzak-EU which consists of RL friends that have been playing together for a while and now would like to form their own guild to progress through 9.2 and onwards.

We’ve raided and led raid teams before and do know we have the experience needed to make this into something great. We only ask for patience if you’re up for the challenge and to give us the benefit of the doubt when it comes to everything falling into place, for us to start raiding as soon as possible.

We’ll begin our journey in Normal just to start something up and work our way up to heroics/mythic. We’ll have many different levels of players when it comes to experience and skills, so we just want to start with setting the right atmosphere in the guild first. We do expect everyone that joins to always try their best. Which means we do expect you to do your dailies, weekly and come prepared to the raids and so on to maximize your performance as a player of YIKEZ . We understand everyone doesn’t have all the time in the world to min-max their character but as our aim is at the end to reach CE we’ll be putting the bar on what's expected higher for each week/month. Sadly we understand not everyone will be able to come with us through the entire journey but we will help every individual as much as we can for you to succeed in our roster.

Raidhours/Days: Saturday 20.00 - 23.00 Server time Sunday 18.00 - 21.00 Server time

As we will be raiding 6 hours a week we expect our players to come fully prepared for whatever lays on our schedule for the day. Which means we expect everyone to come fully enchanted/gemmed and have potions/weapon runs for the entire duration of the raid. We’ll have a 5-10 minute break depending on the night and we do expect everyone to be ready as soon as that timer hits zero.

What we, the leaders bring to the table:

  • Experienced players who have past experience of leading guilds.

  • Active players through most of the day. However we do not expect people to play all day long.

  • Alts are loved in our guild, and therefore you can expect some alt activities later on once we are more settled.

  • An active discord-channel with everything you may need.

  • We’ll provide the guild with Flasks/Potions, later on guild repairs once we see a stable income.

What we expect from people who wants to join <YIKEZ>

  • Always come prepared with the latest tactics and the consumables we do not provide, such as potions, vantus runes, weapon enchants etc. We’ll discuss a lot on what approach we’ll have for different encounters on our discord so make sure to stay up-to-date on that.

  • Do everything you can do to keep your character up-to-speed with everything. Such as conduits, renown, the right covenant and having the appropriate legendaries for each encounter.

  • We’ll have a calendar on discord that we’ll use for each raid, make sure to use it. We expect everyone to have a good attendance to our raids. We understand real-life can happen and stuff breaks down, but missing too many raids with no communication or it happening too often will put you in risk of losing your raidspot.

  • We don’t really care how long you’ve come before joining the guild as it’s the player we want, not the character. The only thing we require from you is to have a working microphone, to not be afraid of using it and some sort of past raiding experience, doesnt have to be recent. Communication between all players will be key and the difference between a progress-kill or us wiping to dumb stuff someone else might have seen during the encounter that should’ve been called out.


  • Balance Druid [HIGH]
  • Warlock [HIGH]
  • Mage [HIGH]
  • Elemental Shaman [HIGH]
  • Shadow Priest [LOW]
  • Disc Priest [HIGH]
  • Holy Paladin [HIGH]
  • MW Monk [HIGH]

We use and expect everyone to have these addons installed and ready for your first raidnight:

  • Bigwigs or DBM
  • Method Raid Tools
  • Rc Loot Council
  • Weak auras

If you still have unanswered questions feel free to join our discord and chat with either me or any of the officers.

B-tags: Ville#2746| GM Ribeye#21397 | Officer GiantDwarf#26350 | Officer


No application is necessary but I will be dragging you in on discord for a small chat before we invite you to the guild. So make sure you have 10-15 minutes free for whenever you contact us.

If your’e just looking for a guild as a social don’t hesitate to whisper anyone in the guild.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 151 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Straand


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RealmID 631
GruppeID 1666418
GildenID 1683653

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor