Zuletzt gescannt 5 Stunden vor
Über ReVitaLised |
We are a very accepting and kind guild that also has a Semi Hardcore side! We run Mythic+'s daily! We have a dedicated raid team for heroic/entry level mythic! Raid days and times: Thursday + Tuesday 20:00-23:00 ST All classes will be considered for our raid team all we ask is you know the basic of the class you are wanting to play. We are mainly looking for DPS and players that can off spec healer! If you want any more info on the guild or are interested in joining you can message GM/Officers on our discord which is discord.gg/55ARY7g Or add on Bnet: BizzNizz#2564 - Raidlead Zuletzt aktualisiert 33 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Althaéa Beamte: Belfmedaddy, Dagrimar, Daredeviil, Kimchibear, Madlas |
Über ReVitaLised |
We are a very accepting and kind guild that also has a Semi Hardcore side! We run Mythic+'s daily! We have a dedicated raid team for heroic/entry level mythic! Raid days and times: Thursday + Tuesday 20:00-23:00 ST All classes will be considered for our raid team all we ask is you know the basic of the class you are wanting to play. We are mainly looking for DPS and players that can off spec healer! If you want any more info on the guild or are interested in joining you can message GM/Officers on our discord which is discord.gg/55ARY7g Or add on Bnet: BizzNizz#2564 - Raidlead Zuletzt aktualisiert 33 Wochen vor |