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Über Deception |
Deception is the name, Deception is the game. Deception (Silvermoon-EU Alliance) is a mythic raiding guild founded during Castle Nathria times. We currently have four teams raiding weekly, with three teams achieving CE each tier. The core raid team (Red) has achieved Hall of Fame for the previous four tiers. The fourth team focuses on progressing heroic and entry level mythic. We are a highly social guild with an incredibly active discord, with players from a variety of backgrounds playing WoW at all kinds of varying levels, including regular mythic+ runs, heroic alt raids, achievement runs as well as the core mythic raiding teams. All guild members are welcome to join our regular public weekly heroic and mythic (alt) runs, known internally as the Zug-Zug runs. These are run by Mike and / or Huggmark. Raid Teams & Schedule Red Team - 3 day: Cutting Edge & HoF Mythic
Blue Team - 2 day: Cutting Edge Mythic
Green Team - 2 day: Cutting Edge Mythic
Pink Team - 1 Day: AotC & Entry Level Mythic
Invites go out at 19:45 with first pull at 20:00 for Red, Blue and Green teams, with invites starting at 18:45 for Pink team. World Rankings in Previous Tiers
Applications Join the Guild Discord and create a ticket for the respective team you wish to join. Please do not message officers or raid leaders about recruitment. If you have any general questions about the guild, how the raid teams operate before you submit a ticket, or wish to join as a social, please reach out to layalina (discord) / Layalina in game. Zuletzt aktualisiert 18 Wochen vor |
Über Deception |
Deception is the name, Deception is the game. Deception (Silvermoon-EU Alliance) is a mythic raiding guild founded during Castle Nathria times. We currently have four teams raiding weekly, with three teams achieving CE each tier. The core raid team (Red) has achieved Hall of Fame for the previous four tiers. The fourth team focuses on progressing heroic and entry level mythic. We are a highly social guild with an incredibly active discord, with players from a variety of backgrounds playing WoW at all kinds of varying levels, including regular mythic+ runs, heroic alt raids, achievement runs as well as the core mythic raiding teams. All guild members are welcome to join our regular public weekly heroic and mythic (alt) runs, known internally as the Zug-Zug runs. These are run by Mike and / or Huggmark. Raid Teams & Schedule Red Team - 3 day: Cutting Edge & HoF Mythic
Blue Team - 2 day: Cutting Edge Mythic
Green Team - 2 day: Cutting Edge Mythic
Pink Team - 1 Day: AotC & Entry Level Mythic
Invites go out at 19:45 with first pull at 20:00 for Red, Blue and Green teams, with invites starting at 18:45 for Pink team. World Rankings in Previous Tiers
Applications Join the Guild Discord and create a ticket for the respective team you wish to join. Please do not message officers or raid leaders about recruitment. If you have any general questions about the guild, how the raid teams operate before you submit a ticket, or wish to join as a social, please reach out to layalina (discord) / Layalina in game. Zuletzt aktualisiert 18 Wochen vor |