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Über Madness |
Howdy and welcome to <Madness>! The guild was born on Friday 13th of January 2023. We're a group of friends that have been playing WoW together and decided to create a new guild. We are trying to build a chill and social community of like-minded people where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome! Now you may ask yourself: "What does this person mean with LikE-mInDeD?!?!" - Well... by that I mean people that enjoy similar activities and have similar sense of humor. We have M+ players, Raiders, People who like to create alts, achievement and transmog farmers and gold enthusiasts. We are like a delicious fruit salad with a weird sense of humor. And who does not love a good fruit salad?
Together, we have achieved AOTC every tier with few mythic bosses consisting ONLY of social members with no strict roster!
Info: You can't keep up with the raid schedule due to parenting or maybe because of work? You don't like to progress? Are you a casual raider? Then the social raid team might be something for you! Without having to attend every raid day that is listed, you can join the social raid anytime and comfortably get your kills done in heroic/mythic raids with other social players! Status: OPEN - Only for healers (pref. resto shammy, mistweaver monk, holy pala) and dps (warlock) ; any dps with good parses from last expansions are considered as well!
Should you be interested in joining, feel free to send a guild request through guild finder or message us!
Sign up and don't forgET TO STAY CRRRRRISPY!! Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
Über Madness |
Howdy and welcome to <Madness>! The guild was born on Friday 13th of January 2023. We're a group of friends that have been playing WoW together and decided to create a new guild. We are trying to build a chill and social community of like-minded people where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome! Now you may ask yourself: "What does this person mean with LikE-mInDeD?!?!" - Well... by that I mean people that enjoy similar activities and have similar sense of humor. We have M+ players, Raiders, People who like to create alts, achievement and transmog farmers and gold enthusiasts. We are like a delicious fruit salad with a weird sense of humor. And who does not love a good fruit salad?
Together, we have achieved AOTC every tier with few mythic bosses consisting ONLY of social members with no strict roster!
Info: You can't keep up with the raid schedule due to parenting or maybe because of work? You don't like to progress? Are you a casual raider? Then the social raid team might be something for you! Without having to attend every raid day that is listed, you can join the social raid anytime and comfortably get your kills done in heroic/mythic raids with other social players! Status: OPEN - Only for healers (pref. resto shammy, mistweaver monk, holy pala) and dps (warlock) ; any dps with good parses from last expansions are considered as well!
Should you be interested in joining, feel free to send a guild request through guild finder or message us!
Sign up and don't forgET TO STAY CRRRRRISPY!! Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |