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Über Phoenix |
★ Our Guild: Phoenix is a long standing guild that was formed on Silvermoon at the beginning of TBC. It is intended for raiders who are interested in the end-game content, but may not be able to commit to the heavy schedule required of 5+ days a week raiding; so we only have 3 days of raiding every week. Our main focus is Mythic content and we have an excellent core of long standing raiders; many of whom have played from the early days of Warcraft in vanilla. We tend to keep our recruiting to a minimum and don't have a high turnover of people. We do have off night raids that are mainly for alts and social/non raider guild members, where we can be raiding heroic or going for achievements etc. These are not mandatory at all, just a bit of extra fun for those who want to take part. ★ Our Expectations: Because of our 3 day schedule, we do require very high attendance. However, we are all human and understand that things outside of the game sometimes have to take priority, as long as it doesn't affect the raid for too long. We expect that you come fully prepared to raid. This includes a good working knowledge of your class and the way it currently works, any spec and talent changes that will be a benefit at the boss we are on for example, and also the gear you require to maximize your performance. You should always bring plenty consumables with you which include flasks, potions, runes and food. We like you to be able to have fun in raids, get to know our raiders, and how we operate. Learn from each other and help each other wherever possible. Anytime that you spend online outside of raiding hours you will be expected to be nice to other guild members and conduct yourself outside of the guild in a courteous manner. Remember, the guild is bigger than any individual and how you conduct yourself reflects on the guild. In return, you can expect to have a good raiding environment where you aren't constantly under pressure and can actually enjoy the content at a decent pace. Because we do not over recruit, you will raid very regularly and get a fair share of loot as well. The raid schedule is very strict and we don't raid outside of these days/times, so there isn't any "hidden obligations". We also don't do split runs at the start of tiers, so you won't be forced to have a raid-ready alt either. ★ Loot: • We use loot council to distribute loot. • As a trialist, you will have lower priority than a members main spec on loot. ★ Raid Invites • As a trialist, you will have priority invites. However, please be aware that on some Mythic progress fights you may have to sit out. ★ Raiding Schedule (Server Times) • Thursday 19:30-23:30 • Sunday 19:30-23:30 • Monday 19:30-23:30 These times are strict. We don't mandate any extra raiding days or any extra hours even on progress. As split runs are not being carried out, a second "main" is not necessary. ★ How To Apply If your class is listed, please visit http://www.phoenixguild.co.uk to submit an application. There's a nice simple form to fill in and we will reply as soon as possible. We are always on the lookout for good raiders! Even if your class/spec is not listed on the active recruitment, we will take every application under serious consideration. All our applications are posted privately for members only (not other trials either) to comment on and will remain there until your trial is over. Please be aware that a decision can take up to a full raid lockout (one week). If you haven't received a response within a week you can assume your application has been declined. Cross realm applications are accepted. Feel free to mention any current members that will support your application. Good luck in your application and, should you have any questions, feel free to whisper an officer (Wobbzen, Qsilver, Troopcsd, Victur, or Brenwyn). You are welcome to whisper active members as well, should you need any help with your application. Zuletzt aktualisiert 155 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Brenwyn Beamte: Qsilver, Terondashi, Troopcsd |
Über Phoenix |
★ Our Guild: Phoenix is a long standing guild that was formed on Silvermoon at the beginning of TBC. It is intended for raiders who are interested in the end-game content, but may not be able to commit to the heavy schedule required of 5+ days a week raiding; so we only have 3 days of raiding every week. Our main focus is Mythic content and we have an excellent core of long standing raiders; many of whom have played from the early days of Warcraft in vanilla. We tend to keep our recruiting to a minimum and don't have a high turnover of people. We do have off night raids that are mainly for alts and social/non raider guild members, where we can be raiding heroic or going for achievements etc. These are not mandatory at all, just a bit of extra fun for those who want to take part. ★ Our Expectations: Because of our 3 day schedule, we do require very high attendance. However, we are all human and understand that things outside of the game sometimes have to take priority, as long as it doesn't affect the raid for too long. We expect that you come fully prepared to raid. This includes a good working knowledge of your class and the way it currently works, any spec and talent changes that will be a benefit at the boss we are on for example, and also the gear you require to maximize your performance. You should always bring plenty consumables with you which include flasks, potions, runes and food. We like you to be able to have fun in raids, get to know our raiders, and how we operate. Learn from each other and help each other wherever possible. Anytime that you spend online outside of raiding hours you will be expected to be nice to other guild members and conduct yourself outside of the guild in a courteous manner. Remember, the guild is bigger than any individual and how you conduct yourself reflects on the guild. In return, you can expect to have a good raiding environment where you aren't constantly under pressure and can actually enjoy the content at a decent pace. Because we do not over recruit, you will raid very regularly and get a fair share of loot as well. The raid schedule is very strict and we don't raid outside of these days/times, so there isn't any "hidden obligations". We also don't do split runs at the start of tiers, so you won't be forced to have a raid-ready alt either. ★ Loot: • We use loot council to distribute loot. • As a trialist, you will have lower priority than a members main spec on loot. ★ Raid Invites • As a trialist, you will have priority invites. However, please be aware that on some Mythic progress fights you may have to sit out. ★ Raiding Schedule (Server Times) • Thursday 19:30-23:30 • Sunday 19:30-23:30 • Monday 19:30-23:30 These times are strict. We don't mandate any extra raiding days or any extra hours even on progress. As split runs are not being carried out, a second "main" is not necessary. ★ How To Apply If your class is listed, please visit http://www.phoenixguild.co.uk to submit an application. There's a nice simple form to fill in and we will reply as soon as possible. We are always on the lookout for good raiders! Even if your class/spec is not listed on the active recruitment, we will take every application under serious consideration. All our applications are posted privately for members only (not other trials either) to comment on and will remain there until your trial is over. Please be aware that a decision can take up to a full raid lockout (one week). If you haven't received a response within a week you can assume your application has been declined. Cross realm applications are accepted. Feel free to mention any current members that will support your application. Good luck in your application and, should you have any questions, feel free to whisper an officer (Wobbzen, Qsilver, Troopcsd, Victur, or Brenwyn). You are welcome to whisper active members as well, should you need any help with your application. Zuletzt aktualisiert 155 Wochen vor |