Zuletzt gescannt 2 Tage vor
Über Reincarnation |
Hello and welcome to our guild page! We are Reincarnation; a relaxed raiding guild on Stormrage-EU who raid twice a week, with a social/alt raid at weekends. We are recruiting members who enjoy a relaxed but focussed raiding atmosphere with the intention of progressing at a good pace through the current tier (on heroic). In The War Within, we are wanting to expand our aims towards mythic so are after some good new members to join our strong and consistent raid team. We have been raiding together since the beginning of Shadowlands, and since then our team has gone from strength to strength. Throughout Dragonflight, we have progressed faster and faster, killing Razageth within 11 weeks and both Sarkareth and Fryakk in week 6. In Season 1 of The War Within, we managed to get Queen Ansurek down after 7 weeks despite a few absences during the first few weeks. After progress, our focus shifts to speedy reclears (including alt runs), achievement runs and keys to continually gear up our characters. As above, we are wanting to change our focus after heroic clears towards mythic raiding. We have an active discord, with channels that usually contain members who are online and happy to help with whatever. We enjoy mythic+ dungeons, some casual PVP and everything in between! If you want to message anyone in game for more information, you can either whisper Izola-Stormrage, Azron-Stormrage, Ketanako-Azuremyst or Deadsoul-Stormrage and we will be happy to help! Zuletzt aktualisiert 9 Wochen vor |
Über Reincarnation |
Hello and welcome to our guild page! We are Reincarnation; a relaxed raiding guild on Stormrage-EU who raid twice a week, with a social/alt raid at weekends. We are recruiting members who enjoy a relaxed but focussed raiding atmosphere with the intention of progressing at a good pace through the current tier (on heroic). In The War Within, we are wanting to expand our aims towards mythic so are after some good new members to join our strong and consistent raid team. We have been raiding together since the beginning of Shadowlands, and since then our team has gone from strength to strength. Throughout Dragonflight, we have progressed faster and faster, killing Razageth within 11 weeks and both Sarkareth and Fryakk in week 6. In Season 1 of The War Within, we managed to get Queen Ansurek down after 7 weeks despite a few absences during the first few weeks. After progress, our focus shifts to speedy reclears (including alt runs), achievement runs and keys to continually gear up our characters. As above, we are wanting to change our focus after heroic clears towards mythic raiding. We have an active discord, with channels that usually contain members who are online and happy to help with whatever. We enjoy mythic+ dungeons, some casual PVP and everything in between! If you want to message anyone in game for more information, you can either whisper Izola-Stormrage, Azron-Stormrage, Ketanako-Azuremyst or Deadsoul-Stormrage and we will be happy to help! Zuletzt aktualisiert 9 Wochen vor |