Zuletzt gescannt 18 Stunden vor
Über Smile |
Smile is currently only recruiting social players. The guild consists of mature classic/tbc/wrath veteran players most of us have raided at a high level at some point in our wow career. The majority of us are old gits just and like a steady 2day a week raiding schedule . We do M+ on an evening, also some players do the odd bit of pvp! If this sounds like a guild for you keep going down to the recruitment section !!! We are a raiding guild focused on Aotc in to Mythic raiding progression. Our current progression is 4/8m. We are currently looking for skilled and motivated players to join our ranks and push content to the next level! What We Offer: Consistent raid times 8pm - 11pm cet (Server time) A friendly and focused atmosphere for raiding and progression Experienced leadership with a track record of clearing content A strong, like-minded community of players who enjoy pushing their limits for them kills (and logs) What We’re Looking For: Players who will fight for there place to show us why they are here! Players with a good understanding of mechanics and who are committed to improving in whatever way they can. A positive attitude and a willingness to learn and work as a team, there's no I in team! Item level over 630 is a bonus but not the be and end all! So if your not 630 but have good logs or if you have returned to wow and are struggling to find a home, not to worry we got you! How to Apply: Join us, and let's crush some Bosses together! We can’t wait to see you in action! Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Wochen vor |
Über Smile |
Smile is currently only recruiting social players. The guild consists of mature classic/tbc/wrath veteran players most of us have raided at a high level at some point in our wow career. The majority of us are old gits just and like a steady 2day a week raiding schedule . We do M+ on an evening, also some players do the odd bit of pvp! If this sounds like a guild for you keep going down to the recruitment section !!! We are a raiding guild focused on Aotc in to Mythic raiding progression. Our current progression is 4/8m. We are currently looking for skilled and motivated players to join our ranks and push content to the next level! What We Offer: Consistent raid times 8pm - 11pm cet (Server time) A friendly and focused atmosphere for raiding and progression Experienced leadership with a track record of clearing content A strong, like-minded community of players who enjoy pushing their limits for them kills (and logs) What We’re Looking For: Players who will fight for there place to show us why they are here! Players with a good understanding of mechanics and who are committed to improving in whatever way they can. A positive attitude and a willingness to learn and work as a team, there's no I in team! Item level over 630 is a bonus but not the be and end all! So if your not 630 but have good logs or if you have returned to wow and are struggling to find a home, not to worry we got you! How to Apply: Join us, and let's crush some Bosses together! We can’t wait to see you in action! Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Wochen vor |