1/8 M
Befreiung von Undermine
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Befreiung von Undermine
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Nerub-ar Palast
Freigegeben Mystik vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 22nd Schlachtzugswoche)

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor

Über Cute

Exceptional players always welcome to apply regardless of recruitment status.

<Cute> is a 2 day mythic raiding guild. We're looking to raid efficiently and finish content before content wide nerfs while still having fun and enjoying the game as a group of mates.

We want to raid in a positive atmosphere and push Mythic progression with other skilled players while having a laugh along the way. However we want to be able to focus up and play serious when the situation requires it.

**We're currently looking to strengthen our roster throughout TWW for future expansions, eventually aiming to climb WR.

Loot is distributed via Loot Council, with progression at the forefront of the decision making process. We will use wowaudit and droptimizers and go by raid dps increases.

Raid Times:

Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00

Sunday 20:00 - 23:00

For the first 3 weeks of a new tier we also raid Thursday 20:00 - 23:00

All times are Server Time.


Maintain a roster of like-minded, exceptional players that have lives outside of wow so cant commit into full time raiding.

Have lots of fun together! be it in-game or playing other games as a group of mates

Progress efficiently, meaning we turn up to raid with as much prep done as possible, discuss bosses in discord leading up to raid days, strats are set in peoples heads before we get to the boss meaning we don't waste time with the limited amount we have.

What we value:

Attendance and reliability - we only raid 2 days a week, we need to keep a consistent roster

Raid performance - we need people to be able to push as much out of their class as possible, learn quick so we can progress efficiently

Preparation and outside-raid effort - get your weekly 10's done, research your class via class discords and watching POV kills

Communication - Not everyone needs to be a professional yapper but use your mic when the mechanic requires it :)

Humour and chill - we all play the game to have fun, we want to keep a nice chill atmosphere but shouldn't come at the cost of progression

Maturity and sociability - Alot of our raiders are high end players who just dont have the time or want to commit to a hardcore schedule, however we are still gamers, we want to a create a space where we can escape the bull*@$% of irl.


CE Castle Nathria: Guild was formed for Castle Nathria and we achieved CE without aims for any type of ranking.

CE VoTI: Killed Raszageth at wr 560.

Just as a note on the above, this was all a group of mates trying to clear together. Now we have a team of officers and a guild mindset to push properly and create a guild that lasts.

If you have any questions or want to apply please add our recruitment officers for a chat or apply via wow audit:

Discord: erkka00 | Bnet: Erkka#21371 Discord: gale_winds1 | Bnet: Hranz#21311

Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Coz

Beamte: Cozmage, Erkkafist, Hordefear, Hranzau

Über Cute

Exceptional players always welcome to apply regardless of recruitment status.

<Cute> is a 2 day mythic raiding guild. We're looking to raid efficiently and finish content before content wide nerfs while still having fun and enjoying the game as a group of mates.

We want to raid in a positive atmosphere and push Mythic progression with other skilled players while having a laugh along the way. However we want to be able to focus up and play serious when the situation requires it.

**We're currently looking to strengthen our roster throughout TWW for future expansions, eventually aiming to climb WR.

Loot is distributed via Loot Council, with progression at the forefront of the decision making process. We will use wowaudit and droptimizers and go by raid dps increases.

Raid Times:

Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00

Sunday 20:00 - 23:00

For the first 3 weeks of a new tier we also raid Thursday 20:00 - 23:00

All times are Server Time.


Maintain a roster of like-minded, exceptional players that have lives outside of wow so cant commit into full time raiding.

Have lots of fun together! be it in-game or playing other games as a group of mates

Progress efficiently, meaning we turn up to raid with as much prep done as possible, discuss bosses in discord leading up to raid days, strats are set in peoples heads before we get to the boss meaning we don't waste time with the limited amount we have.

What we value:

Attendance and reliability - we only raid 2 days a week, we need to keep a consistent roster

Raid performance - we need people to be able to push as much out of their class as possible, learn quick so we can progress efficiently

Preparation and outside-raid effort - get your weekly 10's done, research your class via class discords and watching POV kills

Communication - Not everyone needs to be a professional yapper but use your mic when the mechanic requires it :)

Humour and chill - we all play the game to have fun, we want to keep a nice chill atmosphere but shouldn't come at the cost of progression

Maturity and sociability - Alot of our raiders are high end players who just dont have the time or want to commit to a hardcore schedule, however we are still gamers, we want to a create a space where we can escape the bull*@$% of irl.


CE Castle Nathria: Guild was formed for Castle Nathria and we achieved CE without aims for any type of ranking.

CE VoTI: Killed Raszageth at wr 560.

Just as a note on the above, this was all a group of mates trying to clear together. Now we have a team of officers and a guild mindset to push properly and create a guild that lasts.

If you have any questions or want to apply please add our recruitment officers for a chat or apply via wow audit:

Discord: erkka00 | Bnet: Erkka#21371 Discord: gale_winds1 | Bnet: Hranz#21311

Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Coz

Beamte: Cozmage, Erkkafist, Hordefear, Hranzau


Befreiung von Undermine
Mystik1/8 M70738143
Heldenhaft7/8 H1,10458669
Normal8/8 N1,54671578
Nerub-ar Palast
Mystik8/8 M1,35877378
Heldenhaft8/8 H1,9551,080111
Normal8/8 N1,6761,047111
RealmID 719
GruppeID 1619044
GildenID 1639265

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor