3/8 M
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
Freigegeben Heldenhaft vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 1st Schlachtzugswoche)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palast
Freigegeben Mystik vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 10th Schlachtzugswoche)

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 3 Tage vor

Über HKM

<HKM> has been achieving consecutive Cutting Edges since Legion and we are always looking to bolster our team with like-minded people


Top Prio:

Tank : Prefer Multiclass players

Healer Pala Mainly (other classes welcome to apply)

Melee: Enhance Mainly (other classes welcome to apply)

Ranged: Any

*All exceptional DPS are welcome to apply!

Raiding Scheduele: (3 Days x 3.30 hrs)

Raiding time: 18.30-22.00 (CET)*Invites start 10mins prior to raid time

  • Wed - Progression
  • Sun - Progression
  • Mon - Progression
  • Thu - HC Boost/Splits (optional)
  • Fri - Alt Heroic/Mythic Raid(optional)
Join our discord to apply :

If you have any questions you can reach us on Discord

Recruitment: Chiieff

Officer: silenthymn

GM: djtwo


About us
Who are we?

HKM (previously Hakuna Mattata) is an international guild that started with a group of friends, this guild has been around since Ice Crown Citadel(2009) on Stormscale-EU as a casual raiding guild which turned into a semi hardcore raiding guild on Tarren Mill-EU during Hellfire Citadel in Warlods of Draenor

Hakuna Matata is a Swahili phrase that is literally translated as "There are no worries" and this statement defines our guild environment. while we thrive to compete in progression, we also aim to have fun and enjoy the raid.


What we offer:


A stable guild to thrive in. Since 2016, HKM is always seeking more members to build a stronger and stable team.

Focused high-end raiding. We aim to improve every tier and build upon previous experiences and lessons. We conduct post-tier reviews with all raiders to provide and receive feedback in order to improve.

A guild where you will be treated with respect and an open heart. We always welcome thoughts, ideas and strategies.

A raid team where spots are given out based on merit and not favoritism.


What is expected of you:


First and foremost, respect. Respect other players and you shall be respected.

We highly value applicants with a consistent and committed raiding history, returning players who have come back after skipping an expansion or a few raid tiers seldom pass the application stage.

We expect you to be a good player with decent mechanical awareness, having researched encounters before coming for progression raids, and top-notch knowledge of your class.

Mythic Raiding experience and logs.

95% + Attendance in raids, as we are a 3 day raiding guild we expect you to maintain decent attendance.

You must be fluent in English and be very vocal, this is very important as we expect every single raider to be vocal with a working mic and confident in speaking and asking about any questions they might have about the encounter or anything else. We highly encourage and appreciate any and all questions asked.

We expect your commitment to the guild for more than one raid tier, our goal is to build a stable and always improving team in the long run and we want you to be an addition to that.

You must be able to give and receive feedback, you must be able to own up to your mistakes and improve upon them. People who are stubborn and are in denial when they make mistakes usually have quite a short stay with us.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 15 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Djtwo

Beamte: Silenthymn

Über HKM

<HKM> has been achieving consecutive Cutting Edges since Legion and we are always looking to bolster our team with like-minded people


Top Prio:

Tank : Prefer Multiclass players

Healer Pala Mainly (other classes welcome to apply)

Melee: Enhance Mainly (other classes welcome to apply)

Ranged: Any

*All exceptional DPS are welcome to apply!

Raiding Scheduele: (3 Days x 3.30 hrs)

Raiding time: 18.30-22.00 (CET)*Invites start 10mins prior to raid time

  • Wed - Progression
  • Sun - Progression
  • Mon - Progression
  • Thu - HC Boost/Splits (optional)
  • Fri - Alt Heroic/Mythic Raid(optional)
Join our discord to apply :

If you have any questions you can reach us on Discord

Recruitment: Chiieff

Officer: silenthymn

GM: djtwo


About us
Who are we?

HKM (previously Hakuna Mattata) is an international guild that started with a group of friends, this guild has been around since Ice Crown Citadel(2009) on Stormscale-EU as a casual raiding guild which turned into a semi hardcore raiding guild on Tarren Mill-EU during Hellfire Citadel in Warlods of Draenor

Hakuna Matata is a Swahili phrase that is literally translated as "There are no worries" and this statement defines our guild environment. while we thrive to compete in progression, we also aim to have fun and enjoy the raid.


What we offer:


A stable guild to thrive in. Since 2016, HKM is always seeking more members to build a stronger and stable team.

Focused high-end raiding. We aim to improve every tier and build upon previous experiences and lessons. We conduct post-tier reviews with all raiders to provide and receive feedback in order to improve.

A guild where you will be treated with respect and an open heart. We always welcome thoughts, ideas and strategies.

A raid team where spots are given out based on merit and not favoritism.


What is expected of you:


First and foremost, respect. Respect other players and you shall be respected.

We highly value applicants with a consistent and committed raiding history, returning players who have come back after skipping an expansion or a few raid tiers seldom pass the application stage.

We expect you to be a good player with decent mechanical awareness, having researched encounters before coming for progression raids, and top-notch knowledge of your class.

Mythic Raiding experience and logs.

95% + Attendance in raids, as we are a 3 day raiding guild we expect you to maintain decent attendance.

You must be fluent in English and be very vocal, this is very important as we expect every single raider to be vocal with a working mic and confident in speaking and asking about any questions they might have about the encounter or anything else. We highly encourage and appreciate any and all questions asked.

We expect your commitment to the guild for more than one raid tier, our goal is to build a stable and always improving team in the long run and we want you to be an addition to that.

You must be able to give and receive feedback, you must be able to own up to your mistakes and improve upon them. People who are stubborn and are in denial when they make mistakes usually have quite a short stay with us.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 15 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Djtwo

Beamte: Silenthymn


Befreiung von Undermine
Mystik3/8 M18812312
Heldenhaft8/8 H30720827
Normal8/8 N95212510
Nerub-ar Palast
Mystik8/8 M28417420
Heldenhaft8/8 H53530833
Normal8/8 N717927
Heldenhaft8/8 H114596
RealmID 719
GruppeID 941297
GildenID 975169

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 3 Tage vor