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Über PepegaGang |
PepegaGang Overview
We are a newly formed Semi-hardcore guild on Tarren Mill, currently building up from more or less nothing, we are a few friends starting the guild with former mythic raiding experience and higher end mythic+ keys. We are open for all kind of content players like for an example raiders, key runners, PvPers or even just socials there will be a spot for you. Raiding
We are currently building up our roster for mythic raiding, we are aiming for atleast 5/8m season 1 of dragonflight. atm we are in need of more or less all roles/specializations so dont hesitate to sign. We arent aiming for top 50-100 so off meta is more than welcome if played well, afterall we prefer our raiders to be happy and in a good and welcoming environment. Contact information
If any of this catches your eye and you wanna get in contact with us about further questions or application feel free to join our discord or contact any of the people listen below. Discord server:
Shadow: Btag: Shadow#215607 / Discord: Shadow#0039 Mighty: Btag: Mighty#22705 / Discord: Mighty#2222 Brett: Btag: brett367#2406 / Discord: brett367#6450 Zen: Btag: couiziner#2892 / Discord: z en#8716 Application page:
https://apply.wowaudit.com/eu/tarren-mill/pepegagang/main?preview Zuletzt aktualisiert 108 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Armará Beamte: Cowboyderole, Mirthalis, Shrikha, Valenacyrus |
Über PepegaGang |
PepegaGang Overview
We are a newly formed Semi-hardcore guild on Tarren Mill, currently building up from more or less nothing, we are a few friends starting the guild with former mythic raiding experience and higher end mythic+ keys. We are open for all kind of content players like for an example raiders, key runners, PvPers or even just socials there will be a spot for you. Raiding
We are currently building up our roster for mythic raiding, we are aiming for atleast 5/8m season 1 of dragonflight. atm we are in need of more or less all roles/specializations so dont hesitate to sign. We arent aiming for top 50-100 so off meta is more than welcome if played well, afterall we prefer our raiders to be happy and in a good and welcoming environment. Contact information
If any of this catches your eye and you wanna get in contact with us about further questions or application feel free to join our discord or contact any of the people listen below. Discord server:
Shadow: Btag: Shadow#215607 / Discord: Shadow#0039 Mighty: Btag: Mighty#22705 / Discord: Mighty#2222 Brett: Btag: brett367#2406 / Discord: brett367#6450 Zen: Btag: couiziner#2892 / Discord: z en#8716 Application page:
https://apply.wowaudit.com/eu/tarren-mill/pepegagang/main?preview Zuletzt aktualisiert 108 Wochen vor |
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