Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor
STORIES have returned to raiding during Dragonflight and we are confident and determined as ever to get back to raiding at a high level. We are focused on maintaining a strong social atmosphere within the guild and to progress on a more relaxed schedule. Guild previous page https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/stormscale/STORIES/rating.tier23 The guild's core consists of players with CE in <STORIES> on stormscale. Recruitment
We are however always looking for ANY exceptional applicants, no matter your role or class. Guild Achivements -Uldir - Mythic G'huun - WR 1090 -Battle of dazaralor - Mythic Jaina - WR 417 -Eternal Palace - Queen Azshara - WR 210 -Ny'alotha - WR 125 when we stopped raiding. What do we expect from our members: -Attendance & reliability -Knowledge of your class, raid encounter and a general thirst for self improvement -Respect & Teamwork. You’re expected to play for the guild and be part of the raid team, toxicity is never welcome. -Be able to understand, speak and type English at a reasonable level. What we can offer: -Stable raid environment while maintaining a light schedule -Socially our discord will always have people available playing a variety of games -Guild lead by players that have extensive raiding experience and strive to improve every tier -Various optional boost/alt runs Raid Scheduele: -Wednesday 20:00-23:00 -Tuesday 20:00-23:00 Contact: All applications are submitted through forms.gle/ASvij5hTssPZ5Hzw9 However, if you need to contact us for more information please contact Bub: Bub - GM - David#2244 Zuletzt aktualisiert 97 Wochen vor |
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Zunftmeister: Discobeaver Beamte: Stazyy |
STORIES have returned to raiding during Dragonflight and we are confident and determined as ever to get back to raiding at a high level. We are focused on maintaining a strong social atmosphere within the guild and to progress on a more relaxed schedule. Guild previous page https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/stormscale/STORIES/rating.tier23 The guild's core consists of players with CE in <STORIES> on stormscale. Recruitment
We are however always looking for ANY exceptional applicants, no matter your role or class. Guild Achivements -Uldir - Mythic G'huun - WR 1090 -Battle of dazaralor - Mythic Jaina - WR 417 -Eternal Palace - Queen Azshara - WR 210 -Ny'alotha - WR 125 when we stopped raiding. What do we expect from our members: -Attendance & reliability -Knowledge of your class, raid encounter and a general thirst for self improvement -Respect & Teamwork. You’re expected to play for the guild and be part of the raid team, toxicity is never welcome. -Be able to understand, speak and type English at a reasonable level. What we can offer: -Stable raid environment while maintaining a light schedule -Socially our discord will always have people available playing a variety of games -Guild lead by players that have extensive raiding experience and strive to improve every tier -Various optional boost/alt runs Raid Scheduele: -Wednesday 20:00-23:00 -Tuesday 20:00-23:00 Contact: All applications are submitted through forms.gle/ASvij5hTssPZ5Hzw9 However, if you need to contact us for more information please contact Bub: Bub - GM - David#2244 Zuletzt aktualisiert 97 Wochen vor |
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