
8/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
Freigegeben Heldenhaft vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 2nd Schlachtzugswoche)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palast
Freigegeben Mystik vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 23rd Schlachtzugswoche)

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor

Über Suggestion

Our goal is to grow a team that can comfortably achieve Cutting Edge every tier and have fun doing so. To achieve this we expect all our raiders to continuously improve themselves and may look to replace those that are not putting the effort in or bringing the mood down.

What you can expect from us -

  • An open, passionate officer team
  • A friendly raid atmosphere
  • Consistent feedback and analysis of individual and raid performance
  • No trial system, if you join you are part of the raid team and will be held to the same standards as other members
  • A social core, we do more than just play wow together and are open to new people

What we expect from you -

  • We want people who are eager to learn, strive to improve and grow together within our raiding roster.
  • An understanding of your class and role
  • Keep your character up to date with enchants, gear ect.
  • Coming to raids with knowledge of the fights, this includes any talents you may need on a specific fight or roles on a fight your class excels at
  • A high attendance to raids, with ample warning if you are not going to make a raid. When we reach end bosses we expect near 100% attendance from the selected roster.
  • Be chill and open to banter, we have a friendly and welcoming core but we can be a bit rough around the edges occasionally
  • Hands

Raid Schedule: Wednesday & Sunday 20:00-23:00 ST.

Application form:

Contact: Bnet: Tyalusa#2414 Discord:Tya#3907

Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Tyaze

Beamte: Tya, Ökna

Über Suggestion

Our goal is to grow a team that can comfortably achieve Cutting Edge every tier and have fun doing so. To achieve this we expect all our raiders to continuously improve themselves and may look to replace those that are not putting the effort in or bringing the mood down.

What you can expect from us -

  • An open, passionate officer team
  • A friendly raid atmosphere
  • Consistent feedback and analysis of individual and raid performance
  • No trial system, if you join you are part of the raid team and will be held to the same standards as other members
  • A social core, we do more than just play wow together and are open to new people

What we expect from you -

  • We want people who are eager to learn, strive to improve and grow together within our raiding roster.
  • An understanding of your class and role
  • Keep your character up to date with enchants, gear ect.
  • Coming to raids with knowledge of the fights, this includes any talents you may need on a specific fight or roles on a fight your class excels at
  • A high attendance to raids, with ample warning if you are not going to make a raid. When we reach end bosses we expect near 100% attendance from the selected roster.
  • Be chill and open to banter, we have a friendly and welcoming core but we can be a bit rough around the edges occasionally
  • Hands

Raid Schedule: Wednesday & Sunday 20:00-23:00 ST.

Application form:

Contact: Bnet: Tyalusa#2414 Discord:Tya#3907

Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Tyaze

Beamte: Tya, Ökna


Befreiung von Undermine
Heldenhaft8/8 H1,32780192
Normal8/8 N5,5492,636209
Nerub-ar Palast
Mystik8/8 M1,44782687
Heldenhaft8/8 H1,42984488
Normal8/8 N1,18856058
RealmID 719
GruppeID 1700547
GildenID 1716435

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor