Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor

Über alo

CE Guild in 10.0 VoTi Reformed

Aiming for another CE Title in 10.2

We’re a community focused on PvE in WoW which has been raiding since 2019. Our journey started in buffed WoTLK private servers, going through multiple ones and being able to accomplish high rankings including our best: Warmane - Realm 2nd ULD 25 (Server Buffed) and being one of the three only guilds that managed to do it like that. A big chunk of this guild also went Shadowlands and accomplished Cutting Edge.

However, above everything, we’re a friendly community that just loves to game and blast some bosses with each other. We’ve been known for our good vibes during raids and toxic-free environments while maintaining a high level of performance. Our goal for Dragonflight is to pursue mainly mythic raiding with a goal to obtain Cutting Edge in a timely manner. Our raid times are: Wednesday and Sunday 19:00-22:30ish ST.

As a guild we can provide:

  • A consistent and efficient raiding environment with a seasoned core of players.
  • A drama-free experience where player improvement is both encouraged and desired, whether it comes to raid fights or class gameplay.
  • A mindset focused on progression and teamplay but also banter and a lively raid/guild environment.
  • On the bench raiding leading for mythic progression with comprehensive and easy-to-understand prep material for raiders being always provided.
  • The ability to accommodate both more hardcore and more casual players in the form of different raid groups going into Dragonflight.

What we expect from our raiders:

  • Be able to play and maintain at least 1 character (you're main). Alts are not mandatory but highly encouraged. Especially in Dragonflight.
  • You’ll participate in every scheduled raid within our schedule.
  • Be able to read and understand the prep work provided by the guild so you can apply it in progress.
  • Have consumables, gems and enchants for all guild runs and be able to play your character at a high level with sufficient class knowledge about both gameplay and itemization.
  • Optimize your gear outside of raiding (Able to run mythic +, have the appropriate professions etc.).

If this sounds like the place where you think you belong feel free to contact any of the officers through discord. Just join our discord and DM any of the officers. (

Guild Discord:

Discord: jre5

Zuletzt aktualisiert 54 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Jree

Beamte: Crotchrocket, Jrewar

Über alo

CE Guild in 10.0 VoTi Reformed

Aiming for another CE Title in 10.2

We’re a community focused on PvE in WoW which has been raiding since 2019. Our journey started in buffed WoTLK private servers, going through multiple ones and being able to accomplish high rankings including our best: Warmane - Realm 2nd ULD 25 (Server Buffed) and being one of the three only guilds that managed to do it like that. A big chunk of this guild also went Shadowlands and accomplished Cutting Edge.

However, above everything, we’re a friendly community that just loves to game and blast some bosses with each other. We’ve been known for our good vibes during raids and toxic-free environments while maintaining a high level of performance. Our goal for Dragonflight is to pursue mainly mythic raiding with a goal to obtain Cutting Edge in a timely manner. Our raid times are: Wednesday and Sunday 19:00-22:30ish ST.

As a guild we can provide:

  • A consistent and efficient raiding environment with a seasoned core of players.
  • A drama-free experience where player improvement is both encouraged and desired, whether it comes to raid fights or class gameplay.
  • A mindset focused on progression and teamplay but also banter and a lively raid/guild environment.
  • On the bench raiding leading for mythic progression with comprehensive and easy-to-understand prep material for raiders being always provided.
  • The ability to accommodate both more hardcore and more casual players in the form of different raid groups going into Dragonflight.

What we expect from our raiders:

  • Be able to play and maintain at least 1 character (you're main). Alts are not mandatory but highly encouraged. Especially in Dragonflight.
  • You’ll participate in every scheduled raid within our schedule.
  • Be able to read and understand the prep work provided by the guild so you can apply it in progress.
  • Have consumables, gems and enchants for all guild runs and be able to play your character at a high level with sufficient class knowledge about both gameplay and itemization.
  • Optimize your gear outside of raiding (Able to run mythic +, have the appropriate professions etc.).

If this sounds like the place where you think you belong feel free to contact any of the officers through discord. Just join our discord and DM any of the officers. (

Guild Discord:

Discord: jre5

Zuletzt aktualisiert 54 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Jree

Beamte: Crotchrocket, Jrewar


Wir konnten keine Schlachtzugsprogression für diese Erweiterung finden.

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RealmID 719
GruppeID 1821337
GildenID 1830818

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor