3/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 N
Befreiung von Undermine
4/8 M
Nerub-ar Palast

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor

Über Tolerance

Tolerance-- All Realms!

The Official tolerance progress Guild Recruitment Status: Recruitment is open for all classes but madly looking for Mage, Demon Hunter, Enhancement Shaman, Windwalker Monk and Rogues but all welcome.

Our raid times are Wednesday & Mondays, 20:00 - 22.30 Server Time but can go over to gain a kill.

About Tolerance: Tolerance was formed prior to Shadowlands release with the intention to build a raid roster achieving AOTC. We acquried AOTC season 1 Shadowlands but sadly disbanded due to the lack on content season in Shadowlands. Tolerance then reformed for Dragonflight with all new players and again achieved AOTC Season 1 and are now pushing Mythic raid content.

As a guild we want to create an enjoyable atmosphere where people can have fun together, including outside of raid times. We are firm believers that in order to do well as a guild it's crucial that the members of the raid team not only possess the talent and skillset to be a good raider, but are also keen and happy to submerse themselves into the social side of things.

You should apply if:

You aim to clear content on the HC difficulty at a decent pace with Mythic in mind.

You look for a guild that is active even outside of raid time.

You look for a non-toxic environment to raid in.

You want to raid with people you enjoy spending time with.

You think its mandatory to be as prepared as you can for an upcoming boss fight.

You are motivated to improve on your own gameplay and capable to take criticism regarding a potential mistake/misplay.

Application/Recruitment: For us, the best players will always get a progression spot regardless of whether you've just started your trialship or if you’ve been a member for years. We do not believe in seniority securing a raid spot; the best players play, no exceptions.

Contact: Chemcial: Linky#6398 - Discord (Recruitment/Raid leader) BaalPredator: Baal#1248 - Discord (Recruitment)


Zuletzt aktualisiert 32 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Chémical

Beamte: Lusko

Über Tolerance

Tolerance-- All Realms!

The Official tolerance progress Guild Recruitment Status: Recruitment is open for all classes but madly looking for Mage, Demon Hunter, Enhancement Shaman, Windwalker Monk and Rogues but all welcome.

Our raid times are Wednesday & Mondays, 20:00 - 22.30 Server Time but can go over to gain a kill.

About Tolerance: Tolerance was formed prior to Shadowlands release with the intention to build a raid roster achieving AOTC. We acquried AOTC season 1 Shadowlands but sadly disbanded due to the lack on content season in Shadowlands. Tolerance then reformed for Dragonflight with all new players and again achieved AOTC Season 1 and are now pushing Mythic raid content.

As a guild we want to create an enjoyable atmosphere where people can have fun together, including outside of raid times. We are firm believers that in order to do well as a guild it's crucial that the members of the raid team not only possess the talent and skillset to be a good raider, but are also keen and happy to submerse themselves into the social side of things.

You should apply if:

You aim to clear content on the HC difficulty at a decent pace with Mythic in mind.

You look for a guild that is active even outside of raid time.

You look for a non-toxic environment to raid in.

You want to raid with people you enjoy spending time with.

You think its mandatory to be as prepared as you can for an upcoming boss fight.

You are motivated to improve on your own gameplay and capable to take criticism regarding a potential mistake/misplay.

Application/Recruitment: For us, the best players will always get a progression spot regardless of whether you've just started your trialship or if you’ve been a member for years. We do not believe in seniority securing a raid spot; the best players play, no exceptions.

Contact: Chemcial: Linky#6398 - Discord (Recruitment/Raid leader) BaalPredator: Baal#1248 - Discord (Recruitment)


Zuletzt aktualisiert 32 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Chémical

Beamte: Lusko


Befreiung von Undermine
Heldenhaft3/8 H5,0032,66816
Normal8/8 N2,0421,2107
Nerub-ar Palast
Mystik4/8 M3,9682,2745
Heldenhaft8/8 H3,3731,9325
Normal8/8 N1,8281,1987
Normal8/8 N1,9328899
RealmID 725
GruppeID 1409914
GildenID 1443735

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor