Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor
Über Classified |
Classífied is recruiting
Born from a group of old friends at the near end of 10.0 DF Raid Schedule
Mythic Wednesday: 19:00-22:00 Server Time Saturday: 19:00-22:00 Server Time Days are subject to change every patch if roster changes are made.
Heroic Friday 19:00-22:00 Server Time Guild heroic ( off-chars,casuals ) We might do heroics in some other days, depending on the number of players
What kind of raider are we looking for?
Players to DM for more info: IGN ( discord tag ) Dëath ( MiSt3R#0881 ) Omgitsdark ( Darkangel#5028 ) Clempi ( Callmepie#7682 ) Or you can apply directly on: https://apply.wowaudit.com/eu/twisting-nether/classified/main Zuletzt aktualisiert 98 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Samyi Beamte: Omgitsdark, Sammyxyz |
Über Classified |
Classífied is recruiting
Born from a group of old friends at the near end of 10.0 DF Raid Schedule
Mythic Wednesday: 19:00-22:00 Server Time Saturday: 19:00-22:00 Server Time Days are subject to change every patch if roster changes are made.
Heroic Friday 19:00-22:00 Server Time Guild heroic ( off-chars,casuals ) We might do heroics in some other days, depending on the number of players
What kind of raider are we looking for?
Players to DM for more info: IGN ( discord tag ) Dëath ( MiSt3R#0881 ) Omgitsdark ( Darkangel#5028 ) Clempi ( Callmepie#7682 ) Or you can apply directly on: https://apply.wowaudit.com/eu/twisting-nether/classified/main Zuletzt aktualisiert 98 Wochen vor |
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