Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor

Über Horizon

Horizon is a newly established 1-day raiding guild, with the aim to reach Cutting Edge on the lightest schedule possible, while offering a positive and constructive environment.

We will do our best to offer an environment that:

  • Does not tolerate toxic, offensive, or poor behaviour towards one another;
  • Demands efficiency and performance;
  • Respects the time we all dedicate to playing together.

The other important information:

  • We raid 1 day a week, Monday, for only 3 hours.
  • Raid starts filling at 20:15 CET; we start pulling at 20:30 CET and stop as close to 23:30 CET as we can.
  • We will have a short break mid-way through the raid, but other downtime should be minimized.
  • We will start a pull timer when we res after a wipe; the boss will be pulled when it ends, regardless of your buffs.
  • We reserve the right to add extra raid time at the beginning or end of a tier (such as to secure a last minute CE), but only if a full raid group agrees. Anyone who doesn’t want to add time, or cannot add time, can speak to leadership privately to avoid undue pressure.
  • We will extend our Mythic lockout early and aggressively if we think it will aid progression. Supplementing raid loot from other sources (like Mythic+) will be necessary.
  • We distribute loot via loot council. Polite, constructive criticism of our loot decisions is okay; loot drama is not.
  • Racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism are not welcome here. If you feel the need to be edgy and offensive, it won't be here.
  • Mistakes are a reality of raiding. We expect you to know and admit when you’ve made one, and be kind to others when they do the same.
  • While we want to provide a safe, mature, and friendly environment, this is a progression oriented guild; strong play is a requirement.

As a new guild, we expect there to be growing pains as we figure things out. However if we all act, in good faith, in pursuit of the above, we can build something solid and long-lasting.

If that sounds good to you, then whether you’re a semi-retired hardcore raider, an active raider looking for a low-hour home for an alt, or just someone who can’t commit the time that most guilds demand of you, Horizon might be the place for you.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 19 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick


Beamte: Kerriochi, Kerriodeca, Kerriodesu, Kerriodos

Über Horizon

Horizon is a newly established 1-day raiding guild, with the aim to reach Cutting Edge on the lightest schedule possible, while offering a positive and constructive environment.

We will do our best to offer an environment that:

  • Does not tolerate toxic, offensive, or poor behaviour towards one another;
  • Demands efficiency and performance;
  • Respects the time we all dedicate to playing together.

The other important information:

  • We raid 1 day a week, Monday, for only 3 hours.
  • Raid starts filling at 20:15 CET; we start pulling at 20:30 CET and stop as close to 23:30 CET as we can.
  • We will have a short break mid-way through the raid, but other downtime should be minimized.
  • We will start a pull timer when we res after a wipe; the boss will be pulled when it ends, regardless of your buffs.
  • We reserve the right to add extra raid time at the beginning or end of a tier (such as to secure a last minute CE), but only if a full raid group agrees. Anyone who doesn’t want to add time, or cannot add time, can speak to leadership privately to avoid undue pressure.
  • We will extend our Mythic lockout early and aggressively if we think it will aid progression. Supplementing raid loot from other sources (like Mythic+) will be necessary.
  • We distribute loot via loot council. Polite, constructive criticism of our loot decisions is okay; loot drama is not.
  • Racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism are not welcome here. If you feel the need to be edgy and offensive, it won't be here.
  • Mistakes are a reality of raiding. We expect you to know and admit when you’ve made one, and be kind to others when they do the same.
  • While we want to provide a safe, mature, and friendly environment, this is a progression oriented guild; strong play is a requirement.

As a new guild, we expect there to be growing pains as we figure things out. However if we all act, in good faith, in pursuit of the above, we can build something solid and long-lasting.

If that sounds good to you, then whether you’re a semi-retired hardcore raider, an active raider looking for a low-hour home for an alt, or just someone who can’t commit the time that most guilds demand of you, Horizon might be the place for you.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 19 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick


Beamte: Kerriochi, Kerriodeca, Kerriodesu, Kerriodos


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RealmID 739
GruppeID 2087511
GildenID 2075870

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 2 Wochen vor