Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 3 Wochen vor

Über Malorum

Recruitment is open for any class that think they can compete for a spot in our roster.

Malorum is a relatively new guild, Castle Nathria was our first official raid tier as a guild after our reform in N'ylotha. We are always recruiting exceptional players.

Our raid times as server time (invites start 15 minute prior):

Wednesday: 20:00-23:00 Thursday: 20:00-23:00

Sunday: 20:00-23:00 From the next tier and onwards we will add Sunday for the first 6 weeks of mythic release as an extra to clear Heroic, from next tier and onwards we will also add an extra day on the last boss of the tier. ( Monday )


Mindset: Our goal is to be as competitive as possible and improve every tier. We want to achieve the highest possible world rank with a light raiding schedule. Because of that, raids has to be as efficient as possible, while still having a good time.

Previous Achievements :

Antorus the Burning Throne : World 451 N'ylotha : World 1220 ( Reformed ) Castle Nathria: World 703 Sanctum of Domination: World 530 Sepulchers of the First Ones: 800 Vault of the incarnates : 492 Aberrus : 325


Our goal for next tier is to try and push for HoF on a somewhat light schedule


Recruitment : If your class or spec isn't listed above. We still encourage you to apply if you think you can compete for a spot.

You can use the form below to make an application:

What we are looking for in you as a player :

Attitude You are motivated to raid, and have a drive to keep pushing the guild's world ranks. We recruit players for the long term, and are ambitious for the future. If this is not in line with your own mindset, this is not the guild for you. We ask of you to behave maturely and respectfully towards other raiders and guild members. When you mess up during an encounter, you own up to it and do your best to learn from it. We expect this from you, and you can expect this from us.


Preparation Being a 2-day guild, the ratio of preparation time versus raid time is very high, and you are expected to make the most of it. This includes having a good idea of how to deal with the mechanics; planning out your cooldowns; downloading and familiarizing yourself with relevant WeakAuras beforehand; and participating in strategy discussions on Discord.


Ability Even though we are on a very relaxed schedule, Malorum is not a guild for beginners. We expect you to know the ins and outs of your class, and play it at a very high level. Actively working on perfecting your gameplay is a trait that we desire strongly in our raiders. Analyzing logs and regularly discussing encounter-specific optimizations with other players of your class goes hand in hand with this.


Attendance We require our raiders to uphold a 90% or higher attendance rate. When you cannot make a raid, you communicate it to the officer team well in advance so adjustments can be made. Raids start at 20:00, meaning everyone is flasked up and ready to pull the boss at that time. You are not forced to be there 15 minutes in advance, but logging in two minutes before raid start is not appreciated either.

Communication You are required to have a decent microphone and communicate with fellow raiders during (and preferably outside of) raids. During progress, strategy discussion is held on Discord often, and you are expected to read and ideally participate in these discussions. Good communication with people of your own class/role outside of raids is also valued greatly.


Want more information :

Hit up our recruitment officer on discord.

Discord : Doom#6797

Zuletzt aktualisiert 88 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Xtinct

Beamte: Blebthedruid

Über Malorum

Recruitment is open for any class that think they can compete for a spot in our roster.

Malorum is a relatively new guild, Castle Nathria was our first official raid tier as a guild after our reform in N'ylotha. We are always recruiting exceptional players.

Our raid times as server time (invites start 15 minute prior):

Wednesday: 20:00-23:00 Thursday: 20:00-23:00

Sunday: 20:00-23:00 From the next tier and onwards we will add Sunday for the first 6 weeks of mythic release as an extra to clear Heroic, from next tier and onwards we will also add an extra day on the last boss of the tier. ( Monday )


Mindset: Our goal is to be as competitive as possible and improve every tier. We want to achieve the highest possible world rank with a light raiding schedule. Because of that, raids has to be as efficient as possible, while still having a good time.

Previous Achievements :

Antorus the Burning Throne : World 451 N'ylotha : World 1220 ( Reformed ) Castle Nathria: World 703 Sanctum of Domination: World 530 Sepulchers of the First Ones: 800 Vault of the incarnates : 492 Aberrus : 325


Our goal for next tier is to try and push for HoF on a somewhat light schedule


Recruitment : If your class or spec isn't listed above. We still encourage you to apply if you think you can compete for a spot.

You can use the form below to make an application:

What we are looking for in you as a player :

Attitude You are motivated to raid, and have a drive to keep pushing the guild's world ranks. We recruit players for the long term, and are ambitious for the future. If this is not in line with your own mindset, this is not the guild for you. We ask of you to behave maturely and respectfully towards other raiders and guild members. When you mess up during an encounter, you own up to it and do your best to learn from it. We expect this from you, and you can expect this from us.


Preparation Being a 2-day guild, the ratio of preparation time versus raid time is very high, and you are expected to make the most of it. This includes having a good idea of how to deal with the mechanics; planning out your cooldowns; downloading and familiarizing yourself with relevant WeakAuras beforehand; and participating in strategy discussions on Discord.


Ability Even though we are on a very relaxed schedule, Malorum is not a guild for beginners. We expect you to know the ins and outs of your class, and play it at a very high level. Actively working on perfecting your gameplay is a trait that we desire strongly in our raiders. Analyzing logs and regularly discussing encounter-specific optimizations with other players of your class goes hand in hand with this.


Attendance We require our raiders to uphold a 90% or higher attendance rate. When you cannot make a raid, you communicate it to the officer team well in advance so adjustments can be made. Raids start at 20:00, meaning everyone is flasked up and ready to pull the boss at that time. You are not forced to be there 15 minutes in advance, but logging in two minutes before raid start is not appreciated either.

Communication You are required to have a decent microphone and communicate with fellow raiders during (and preferably outside of) raids. During progress, strategy discussion is held on Discord often, and you are expected to read and ideally participate in these discussions. Good communication with people of your own class/role outside of raids is also valued greatly.


Want more information :

Hit up our recruitment officer on discord.

Discord : Doom#6797

Zuletzt aktualisiert 88 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Xtinct

Beamte: Blebthedruid


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RealmID 739
GruppeID 1192911
GildenID 1226136

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 3 Wochen vor