5/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 N
Befreiung von Undermine
4/8 M
Nerub-ar Palast

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor

Über Naga

Naga is a social raid guild.

Recruitment is open for the upcoming season for both teams.



Curve team Healspot high priority


What do we expect from our raiders :

Attendance - as minimum communication when absense


Keeping your character up to date- Hereunder enchants, gems etc.

Being able to take feedback as feedback and not an attack

Doing m+ for vault in between raids - no we do not expect a vault full of the max ilvl, but we do expect some sort of dedication to not only rely on raid loot.

Both teams will be raiding thursday & sunday night from 20-22.30 CEST



But raiding is far from all we do. When I say Social raid guild, I really mean that we are social :smiley: We do M+ ( Both high and low) Social ingame events ( Such as Riddled Hide and seek, Speed transmog contest, and game nights) Achievement runs, and a monthly discord Screenshot contest . Then there is often people hanging out in voice channels, or running keys or lvling alts.

So If you are looking for a bunch of friendly helpfull weirdos that likes to be social, but also do actual content. Then look no further :D You are very welcome to send a message on Discord to mith2411, Pandah, Or Zara13

Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Mithaylia

Beamte: Garshank, Geldorion, Pínecone, Rhyshadi

Über Naga

Naga is a social raid guild.

Recruitment is open for the upcoming season for both teams.



Curve team Healspot high priority


What do we expect from our raiders :

Attendance - as minimum communication when absense


Keeping your character up to date- Hereunder enchants, gems etc.

Being able to take feedback as feedback and not an attack

Doing m+ for vault in between raids - no we do not expect a vault full of the max ilvl, but we do expect some sort of dedication to not only rely on raid loot.

Both teams will be raiding thursday & sunday night from 20-22.30 CEST



But raiding is far from all we do. When I say Social raid guild, I really mean that we are social :smiley: We do M+ ( Both high and low) Social ingame events ( Such as Riddled Hide and seek, Speed transmog contest, and game nights) Achievement runs, and a monthly discord Screenshot contest . Then there is often people hanging out in voice channels, or running keys or lvling alts.

So If you are looking for a bunch of friendly helpfull weirdos that likes to be social, but also do actual content. Then look no further :D You are very welcome to send a message on Discord to mith2411, Pandah, Or Zara13

Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Mithaylia

Beamte: Garshank, Geldorion, Pínecone, Rhyshadi


Befreiung von Undermine
Heldenhaft5/8 H3,4461,979111
Normal8/8 N3,9272,164114
Nerub-ar Palast
Mystik4/8 M4,0402,313132
Heldenhaft8/8 H6,6773,636200
Normal8/8 N6,9433,408188
Heldenhaft7/8 H1,66794937
Normal7/8 N2,2731,04816
RealmID 739
GruppeID 1299309
GildenID 1332323

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor