Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
Über Embyr |
Mostly casual, usually AotC, always on the lookout for solid players looking to enjoy raiding as a hobby, not as a prime directive. If interested, feel free to speak to any of our officers in-game, or on discord (smitespecced#0449), or Btag (Smitespecced#1571) Zuletzt aktualisiert 315 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Dantespardaa Beamte: Badstiga, Hookerwitch, Vishal |
Über Embyr |
Mostly casual, usually AotC, always on the lookout for solid players looking to enjoy raiding as a hobby, not as a prime directive. If interested, feel free to speak to any of our officers in-game, or on discord (smitespecced#0449), or Btag (Smitespecced#1571) Zuletzt aktualisiert 315 Wochen vor |
RealmID 248
GruppeID 280724
GildenID 11637