Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
Über Expiation |
Recruiting is OPEN for DPS and TANK roles. We recently lost one of our primary TANKs and are using an off-spec players for now. We're a Semi-Hardcore Group. Contact Shintorg (shintorg#1100) about recruitment if interested. Zuletzt aktualisiert 60 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Lawnchair Beamte: Crystallyn, Shintorg |
Über Expiation |
Recruiting is OPEN for DPS and TANK roles. We recently lost one of our primary TANKs and are using an off-spec players for now. We're a Semi-Hardcore Group. Contact Shintorg (shintorg#1100) about recruitment if interested. Zuletzt aktualisiert 60 Wochen vor |
RealmID 250
GruppeID 13300
GildenID 12510