
Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 3 Tage vor

Über Arcanum

Who We Are: Hello! We are <Arcanum> We are a CE raid team with only 2 days a week. Our goal is to get Cutting Edge on every tier and have a solid family/friendship within our members to go through Shadowlands with. Since the majority of us have real life responsibilities, it allows us only 2 raid nights a week, however, we all ensure that we make the most of that time and we doo all the preparation and strategizing before we enter raid so we just go in and make moves. We all like to do keys and pvp together throughout the week. Our discord is where we hangout most of the week, hangout and socialize. People who join end up sticking around due to the positive vibes and the lack of toxicity. We are looking to expand and push while keeping it fun and relaxed!

Raid Times: 8:00-11:00pm EST Wednesday and Thursday. Invites go out at 7:30pm. We pull first boss at 8:00pm sharp.

Have logs (overall logs for your character that shows the avg perf%) available if possible to help with the process and be prepared to trial to see if we are a good fit for each other.

What We Expect: We expect everyone to have Great vault Mythic Plus options every week, come prepared with pots(healing and combat), Oils, and knowledge of the fights. Push their own content to better themselves for the raids. We are a very active guild and there are always people on for keys and group activities. Our discord is alive and friendly, you will always have friends to talk to. We pride ourselves in having very low turn around rate. People that join the guild essentially find themselves a new family.

How To Apply:

Join our Disc and fill our the pinned App (It's quick!)


Discord: MohJoh#8614 My btag is George#1122

Add me, Message me, lets have a chat and see what's up.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 194 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Mohji

Beamte: Beedee, Loukey

Über Arcanum

Who We Are: Hello! We are <Arcanum> We are a CE raid team with only 2 days a week. Our goal is to get Cutting Edge on every tier and have a solid family/friendship within our members to go through Shadowlands with. Since the majority of us have real life responsibilities, it allows us only 2 raid nights a week, however, we all ensure that we make the most of that time and we doo all the preparation and strategizing before we enter raid so we just go in and make moves. We all like to do keys and pvp together throughout the week. Our discord is where we hangout most of the week, hangout and socialize. People who join end up sticking around due to the positive vibes and the lack of toxicity. We are looking to expand and push while keeping it fun and relaxed!

Raid Times: 8:00-11:00pm EST Wednesday and Thursday. Invites go out at 7:30pm. We pull first boss at 8:00pm sharp.

Have logs (overall logs for your character that shows the avg perf%) available if possible to help with the process and be prepared to trial to see if we are a good fit for each other.

What We Expect: We expect everyone to have Great vault Mythic Plus options every week, come prepared with pots(healing and combat), Oils, and knowledge of the fights. Push their own content to better themselves for the raids. We are a very active guild and there are always people on for keys and group activities. Our discord is alive and friendly, you will always have friends to talk to. We pride ourselves in having very low turn around rate. People that join the guild essentially find themselves a new family.

How To Apply:

Join our Disc and fill our the pinned App (It's quick!)


Discord: MohJoh#8614 My btag is George#1122

Add me, Message me, lets have a chat and see what's up.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 194 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Mohji

Beamte: Beedee, Loukey


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Hatten Sie erwartet, welche zu sehen?

RealmID 264
GruppeID 13010
GildenID 467862

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 3 Tage vor