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Über Disconnect |
Disconnect is a weekend late night raiding guild that aims to create a raid team that logs in to enjoy clearing content as a team. What you can expect from Disconnect
What we expect from you
Raid Schedule
We also run an optional Heroic (often for sales) on Tuesday night 9:15PM PST. Current Needs DPS: High need for another Mage. All classes will be considered! HEALERS: All classes will be considered! High asset if you can flex this role TANKS: None at this time. High asset if you can flex this role Even if your class isn't listed as high need, please do apply! Accepting all skilled raiders regardless of class or spec! Application Please apply on our Google Docs form: https://apply.disconnectguild.com/ For us to seriously consider your application you must have a history of Cutting Edge (CE) achievements! Required Addons
Contact Add SenpaiGame on Discord if you have any questions regarding the guild or the application process! Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Tage vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Lepz Beamte: Lepzed, Mavebop, Mavedots, Mavefistme, Maveglaive, Mavenite, Maverage, Maverawrxd, Maveshamix, Maveshock, Maveshot, Mavestab, Nickbaldo, Nickbrew, Nickdecay, Nickgato, Nickjager, Nickwar, Nickwithagun, Nickwor, Notlep, Nozticlegend, Pantuflass, Teleprompter, Theboyduddas, Unslept |
Über Disconnect |
Disconnect is a weekend late night raiding guild that aims to create a raid team that logs in to enjoy clearing content as a team. What you can expect from Disconnect
What we expect from you
Raid Schedule
We also run an optional Heroic (often for sales) on Tuesday night 9:15PM PST. Current Needs DPS: High need for another Mage. All classes will be considered! HEALERS: All classes will be considered! High asset if you can flex this role TANKS: None at this time. High asset if you can flex this role Even if your class isn't listed as high need, please do apply! Accepting all skilled raiders regardless of class or spec! Application Please apply on our Google Docs form: https://apply.disconnectguild.com/ For us to seriously consider your application you must have a history of Cutting Edge (CE) achievements! Required Addons
Contact Add SenpaiGame on Discord if you have any questions regarding the guild or the application process! Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Tage vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Lepz Beamte: Lepzed, Mavebop, Mavedots, Mavefistme, Maveglaive, Mavenite, Maverage, Maverawrxd, Maveshamix, Maveshock, Maveshot, Mavestab, Nickbaldo, Nickbrew, Nickdecay, Nickgato, Nickjager, Nickwar, Nickwithagun, Nickwor, Notlep, Nozticlegend, Pantuflass, Teleprompter, Theboyduddas, Unslept |