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Über Distilled |
Distilled is a laid back Cutting Edge Mythic progression guild returning to raiding for The War Within. We mainly Raid and do M+, with some PvP. We formed in Shadowlands and achieved CE in Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones. During Dragonflight we were CE for Vault of Incarnates, but decided to take a break during Aberrrus due to some personal obligations within our roster. Our objective is to be a best in class raiding guild with limited but efficient six hour per week raid time. We accomplish this by providing an extremely enjoyable and organized atmosphere while maintain our raiding focus. Our raiding team strategy is to maintain a roster of 23/24 raiders to allow for flexible compositions as well as real life absences. Raid spots are based on raid composition for each encounter and player performance. We strive to ensure that we are fielding the strongest roster for each boss without allowing guild politics and favoritism to influence decisions. Link to application (Google form) forms.gle/DL1kCTfMM8PFbYmj9 Zuletzt aktualisiert 36 Wochen vor |
Über Distilled |
Distilled is a laid back Cutting Edge Mythic progression guild returning to raiding for The War Within. We mainly Raid and do M+, with some PvP. We formed in Shadowlands and achieved CE in Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones. During Dragonflight we were CE for Vault of Incarnates, but decided to take a break during Aberrrus due to some personal obligations within our roster. Our objective is to be a best in class raiding guild with limited but efficient six hour per week raid time. We accomplish this by providing an extremely enjoyable and organized atmosphere while maintain our raiding focus. Our raiding team strategy is to maintain a roster of 23/24 raiders to allow for flexible compositions as well as real life absences. Raid spots are based on raid composition for each encounter and player performance. We strive to ensure that we are fielding the strongest roster for each boss without allowing guild politics and favoritism to influence decisions. Link to application (Google form) forms.gle/DL1kCTfMM8PFbYmj9 Zuletzt aktualisiert 36 Wochen vor |