Über FZ |
**SALES ARE GOLD ONLY PLEASE MAKE SURE THE PERSON YOU ARE TALKING TO IS IN <FZ> WE ONLY ADVERTISE ON AREA 52** APP LINK: forms.gle/TDPuwqBx6ZXS2sqf9 Note: Friend Zone has recently moved to Area 52 for the much more active raiding scene and renamed to <FZ>, thank you to everyone who has supported us for all these years on Darkspear! Hello! Thank you for your interest in <Friend Zone>. We are currently looking to recruit new and skilled players for our raiding core and will consider skilled players of all specs and classes. About Us We’ve been raiding as a guild for over 10 years. We strive to improve ourselves everyday and pride ourselves in keeping a calm and enjoyable raid environment while staying competitive throughout new content. We are also a tight knit group of friends that often do M+, hang out in discord, and even meet each year at Blizzcon. General Information Faction - Horde Raid Size - 20 man Raid Days - Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday Raid Times - 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. PST / 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. MST / 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 am EST (10.5 hours/week)
Current Progression Tier 30 - 9/9 Mythic Aberrus. the Shadowed Crucible US 78th FAMED SLAYER Tier 29 - 8/8 Mythic Vault of the Incarnates US 98th Tier 28 - 11/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones US 87th Tier 27 - 10/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination US 136th Tier 26 - 10/10 Mythic Castle Nathria US 160th Tier 25 - 12/12 Mythic Ny'alotha US 102nd Tier 24 - 8/8 Mythic Eternal Palace US 77th FAMED SLAYER Tier 23 - 9/9 Mythic Battle of Dazaralor US 234th Tier 22 - 8/8 Mythic Uldir US 234th Tier 21 - 11/11 Mythic Antorus US 111th Tier 20 - 9/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras US 156th Tier 19 - 7/7 Mythic EN, 3/3 Mythic ToV, 10/10 Mythic NH US 118th Tier 18 - 13/13 Mythic Hellfire Citadel US 169th Tier 17 - 10/10 Mythic Blackrock Foundry, 7/7 Mythic Highmaul US 146th Tier 16 - 14/14 Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar US 56th Tier 15 - 13/13 Heroic Throne of Thunder US 69th Current Open Recruitment Needs Any exceptional applicant Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, AUG Evoker If your class isn't listed here but you believe you are qualified, we still strongly encourage you to apply/reach out to an officer. Loot Distribution If a raider offers to trade a piece of loot they received, we then run a "Loot Council" distribution style system which employs 3 variables that ultimately lead to a decision on what raider receives the desired gear. The 3 variables we've employed are an upgrade check which tells us who is the person who will receive the biggest upgrade from the item, we then weigh in attendance of the raider along with how long they've been part of the team, and finally we consider performance. We believe that showing up every day shouldn't be the sole reason you get loot. Players should always be rewarded for excelling at their class and/or overall performance. Qualifying Characteristics As a player: We are looking for extremely talented individuals who know their class inside and out. If you play a class that can tank/heal/DPS, we expect knowledge in at least 2 of those roles. Hybrids who can demonstrate a high level of proficiency with two specs will be of highest consideration. If you are a strict DPS class, you are required to know all specs your class offers as some specs offer higher DPS in different fights. Attendance We need people who can commit 3 nights, 10.5 hours total per raid week. If your work/school/personal schedule is or may be a conflict in the nearing future, please do not seek a trial position. We do not raid on major holidays and are understanding of extraneous circumstances, however, these should be far and few. Trial Process The trial process can begin by filling out our short application found here: forms.gle/TDPuwqBx6ZXS2sqf9 This can be followed with a Discord interview. If this interview proves you to be a potential asset to the raiding team, a follow up interview may be required with the raid leader or other officers. If the candidate is in accord with all requirements, we will offer a trial position. Trials will be subject to constant rotations in and out of the raid and generally will have limited loot access until they've made it successfully to raider status. Trial period consists of 4 weeks and 100% attendance is required. For more information, or inquiries about joining us as a trial please reach out to one of the following officers: Bnet: Sicknizzle#1798 Discord: Sicknizzle#6116 Bnet: BENZOMG#1784 Discord: Benblasts#6787 Zuletzt aktualisiert 72 Wochen vor |
Über FZ |
**SALES ARE GOLD ONLY PLEASE MAKE SURE THE PERSON YOU ARE TALKING TO IS IN <FZ> WE ONLY ADVERTISE ON AREA 52** APP LINK: forms.gle/TDPuwqBx6ZXS2sqf9 Note: Friend Zone has recently moved to Area 52 for the much more active raiding scene and renamed to <FZ>, thank you to everyone who has supported us for all these years on Darkspear! Hello! Thank you for your interest in <Friend Zone>. We are currently looking to recruit new and skilled players for our raiding core and will consider skilled players of all specs and classes. About Us We’ve been raiding as a guild for over 10 years. We strive to improve ourselves everyday and pride ourselves in keeping a calm and enjoyable raid environment while staying competitive throughout new content. We are also a tight knit group of friends that often do M+, hang out in discord, and even meet each year at Blizzcon. General Information Faction - Horde Raid Size - 20 man Raid Days - Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday Raid Times - 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. PST / 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. MST / 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 am EST (10.5 hours/week)
Current Progression Tier 30 - 9/9 Mythic Aberrus. the Shadowed Crucible US 78th FAMED SLAYER Tier 29 - 8/8 Mythic Vault of the Incarnates US 98th Tier 28 - 11/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones US 87th Tier 27 - 10/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination US 136th Tier 26 - 10/10 Mythic Castle Nathria US 160th Tier 25 - 12/12 Mythic Ny'alotha US 102nd Tier 24 - 8/8 Mythic Eternal Palace US 77th FAMED SLAYER Tier 23 - 9/9 Mythic Battle of Dazaralor US 234th Tier 22 - 8/8 Mythic Uldir US 234th Tier 21 - 11/11 Mythic Antorus US 111th Tier 20 - 9/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras US 156th Tier 19 - 7/7 Mythic EN, 3/3 Mythic ToV, 10/10 Mythic NH US 118th Tier 18 - 13/13 Mythic Hellfire Citadel US 169th Tier 17 - 10/10 Mythic Blackrock Foundry, 7/7 Mythic Highmaul US 146th Tier 16 - 14/14 Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar US 56th Tier 15 - 13/13 Heroic Throne of Thunder US 69th Current Open Recruitment Needs Any exceptional applicant Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, AUG Evoker If your class isn't listed here but you believe you are qualified, we still strongly encourage you to apply/reach out to an officer. Loot Distribution If a raider offers to trade a piece of loot they received, we then run a "Loot Council" distribution style system which employs 3 variables that ultimately lead to a decision on what raider receives the desired gear. The 3 variables we've employed are an upgrade check which tells us who is the person who will receive the biggest upgrade from the item, we then weigh in attendance of the raider along with how long they've been part of the team, and finally we consider performance. We believe that showing up every day shouldn't be the sole reason you get loot. Players should always be rewarded for excelling at their class and/or overall performance. Qualifying Characteristics As a player: We are looking for extremely talented individuals who know their class inside and out. If you play a class that can tank/heal/DPS, we expect knowledge in at least 2 of those roles. Hybrids who can demonstrate a high level of proficiency with two specs will be of highest consideration. If you are a strict DPS class, you are required to know all specs your class offers as some specs offer higher DPS in different fights. Attendance We need people who can commit 3 nights, 10.5 hours total per raid week. If your work/school/personal schedule is or may be a conflict in the nearing future, please do not seek a trial position. We do not raid on major holidays and are understanding of extraneous circumstances, however, these should be far and few. Trial Process The trial process can begin by filling out our short application found here: forms.gle/TDPuwqBx6ZXS2sqf9 This can be followed with a Discord interview. If this interview proves you to be a potential asset to the raiding team, a follow up interview may be required with the raid leader or other officers. If the candidate is in accord with all requirements, we will offer a trial position. Trials will be subject to constant rotations in and out of the raid and generally will have limited loot access until they've made it successfully to raider status. Trial period consists of 4 weeks and 100% attendance is required. For more information, or inquiries about joining us as a trial please reach out to one of the following officers: Bnet: Sicknizzle#1798 Discord: Sicknizzle#6116 Bnet: BENZOMG#1784 Discord: Benblasts#6787 Zuletzt aktualisiert 72 Wochen vor |
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