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Über Letalis |
Needs: Tanks: Full Healers: Full Damage: Accepting all DPS Schedule: Raid times: 6:15 - 9:00pm Tuesday and Thursday night Alt Runs: We try to cycle alts into content that is on farm, but expect them to be geared a bit and able to perform your mains role so the raid can still function. Mythic + Dungeons: Mythic+ are done throughout the week and any time you need members just @here in the wow discord channel. Requirements: Discord is a must for Raiding and Mythic runs. You don't have to talk, just need to listen. Bring a sense of humor. Addons: DBM/Big Wigs & Damage Meter (Details, Skada or Recount)
Random info: Average age of guild is 25-40 yrs. Mostly adults that have family and jobs.
Contact Info: Battletag: Darktide#1418 Discord: Darktide
Please feel free to contact us with any questions and thank you for your interest in our guild. Zuletzt aktualisiert 19 Wochen vor |
Über Letalis |
Needs: Tanks: Full Healers: Full Damage: Accepting all DPS Schedule: Raid times: 6:15 - 9:00pm Tuesday and Thursday night Alt Runs: We try to cycle alts into content that is on farm, but expect them to be geared a bit and able to perform your mains role so the raid can still function. Mythic + Dungeons: Mythic+ are done throughout the week and any time you need members just @here in the wow discord channel. Requirements: Discord is a must for Raiding and Mythic runs. You don't have to talk, just need to listen. Bring a sense of humor. Addons: DBM/Big Wigs & Damage Meter (Details, Skada or Recount)
Random info: Average age of guild is 25-40 yrs. Mostly adults that have family and jobs.
Contact Info: Battletag: Darktide#1418 Discord: Darktide
Please feel free to contact us with any questions and thank you for your interest in our guild. Zuletzt aktualisiert 19 Wochen vor |