Zuletzt gescannt 2 Tage vor
Über Unorganized |
Our raid leader (who doesn't know how to actually edit this description kekw) raided in Wildcard for a tier or two back in BFA. He doesn't talk about it though. He's humble like that or something. Our roster is pretty great, but we always trial impressive candidates because "oof complacency" y'know. Raid Info: Raid times are 7:30-11:30EST (715 invites). Mythic Wed/Thurs we do heroic Tuesdays if we're feeling like it. It's never mandatory. At the beginning of a tier though we do Heroic Tuesdays, which still aren't mandatory but... you know... tier is kinda important and all that so you should probably come. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Raid Flasks/feasts/vantus runes are covered by the guild. Recruitment Contact: If you have any questions message amply on discord. Current needs: All exceptional players should reach out! App Link: https://wowaudit.com/us/area-52/unorganized/main Zuletzt aktualisiert 47 Wochen vor |
Über Unorganized |
Our raid leader (who doesn't know how to actually edit this description kekw) raided in Wildcard for a tier or two back in BFA. He doesn't talk about it though. He's humble like that or something. Our roster is pretty great, but we always trial impressive candidates because "oof complacency" y'know. Raid Info: Raid times are 7:30-11:30EST (715 invites). Mythic Wed/Thurs we do heroic Tuesdays if we're feeling like it. It's never mandatory. At the beginning of a tier though we do Heroic Tuesdays, which still aren't mandatory but... you know... tier is kinda important and all that so you should probably come. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Raid Flasks/feasts/vantus runes are covered by the guild. Recruitment Contact: If you have any questions message amply on discord. Current needs: All exceptional players should reach out! App Link: https://wowaudit.com/us/area-52/unorganized/main Zuletzt aktualisiert 47 Wochen vor |