Zuletzt gescannt 2 Tage vor
Über Vale |
Vale is a midcore raiding guild on Area-52 looking to bolster our ranks. while raiding will be our core focus, social and casual players of all types are welcome. We are a laid-back group of great players (with too many alts) who, first and foremost, enjoy other's company. We regularly tear through raids and M+ and just hang out in Discord. We're, most importantly, just looking for great people. is not just another raiding guild - we pride ourselves on being a family. If you're looking for a team that will help you learn from your mistakes, instead of just booting you from the group, we might be right the place for you. If you're not interested in raiding or progression, you're still more than welcome to join as a social! We have a decent number of players online in the evenings, and our Discord is always active. Our main raid nights with the core team are Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 10:00pm-1:00AM EST. For more information on the guild and how to join, contact me either in-game: Miden (Bnet:Miden#11200 or Discord: Miden#1120). Or just /who Vale and ask if an officer is online! We look forwards to meeting you! Zuletzt aktualisiert 120 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Miden Beamte: Dingletoots, Limitlol, Loreslight, Swingyslammy, Vivinyx |
Über Vale |
Vale is a midcore raiding guild on Area-52 looking to bolster our ranks. while raiding will be our core focus, social and casual players of all types are welcome. We are a laid-back group of great players (with too many alts) who, first and foremost, enjoy other's company. We regularly tear through raids and M+ and just hang out in Discord. We're, most importantly, just looking for great people. is not just another raiding guild - we pride ourselves on being a family. If you're looking for a team that will help you learn from your mistakes, instead of just booting you from the group, we might be right the place for you. If you're not interested in raiding or progression, you're still more than welcome to join as a social! We have a decent number of players online in the evenings, and our Discord is always active. Our main raid nights with the core team are Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 10:00pm-1:00AM EST. For more information on the guild and how to join, contact me either in-game: Miden (Bnet:Miden#11200 or Discord: Miden#1120). Or just /who Vale and ask if an officer is online! We look forwards to meeting you! Zuletzt aktualisiert 120 Wochen vor |