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We are an AOTC progression, KSM, and Achievements guild. I mean who doesn't like mounts? We are also offering an invitation for those returning or looking for a social guild. As a guild with most members over 30, we are fairly laidback but focused. We are recruiting in hopes of adding quality players and adding nostalgia of a true guild of friends. You know, people you just enjoy playing with. Raid schedule is Sat 7pm - 11pm EST & Sun 7pm - 10pm EST. If you have any questions, leave a comment, or you can reach us on Bnet: Santar#1688 or Charmless#1847 Discord: DarthKrugs#1293 or Charmless#0890 Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Stunde vor |
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We are an AOTC progression, KSM, and Achievements guild. I mean who doesn't like mounts? We are also offering an invitation for those returning or looking for a social guild. As a guild with most members over 30, we are fairly laidback but focused. We are recruiting in hopes of adding quality players and adding nostalgia of a true guild of friends. You know, people you just enjoy playing with. Raid schedule is Sat 7pm - 11pm EST & Sun 7pm - 10pm EST. If you have any questions, leave a comment, or you can reach us on Bnet: Santar#1688 or Charmless#1847 Discord: DarthKrugs#1293 or Charmless#0890 Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Stunde vor |